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Hunting Life Member Attacked.

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thank you all for your kind words its andys wife tonya, he is on the mend though still in pain and having nightmares about the attack so the nights are long and seem to have extra hours in them! but w

a message from andy..........i am am overwhelmed by the kind responses and gifts you have sent for me for my recovery, a bleak beginning to last week has ended with my faith in humanity being restored

hi lads and lasses its tonya, it happened just outside of edmundbyre near derwent i cant really say much at the minute as some of the villagers may have an idea who it could have been and the wildlife

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As folk that spend a lot of time out in remote areas we're all probably more likely to end up needing the help of the air ambulance than the general public, would be good to do some kind of forum fundraiser for them :yes:

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Just thinking,reading the air ambulance donation bits. How would it be received if ALL importers and manufactures of cartridges put 10p on each box of 25 and sent it to AA Headquaters to divvy up to each helecopter.

Somehow those that don't shoot could somehow pay a little by a different route.

Then,the more we hunt,the more we pay. Also looks good on those nasty people that hunt the poor lttle fluffy bunnies etc.

What do you think?

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Just thinking,reading the air ambulance donation bits. How would it be received if ALL importers and manufactures of cartridges put 10p on each box of 25 and sent it to AA Headquaters to divvy up to each helecopter.

Somehow those that don't shoot could somehow pay a little by a different route.

Then,the more we hunt,the more we pay. Also looks good on those nasty people that hunt the poor lttle fluffy bunnies etc.

What do you think?

that a good idea, the companys that make walking and camping gear could do the same

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Firstly could I express my most sincere regards to Andy for a speedy recovery, and to his wife of course. If Andys wife could let me know what type of Binoculars they were please. Although, other offers have been made, Just wondering if they were after the Bins that's all. They are such low -lives.Just hope they are caught as it could have been much more serious.The hunting fraternity are often given bad press by the Anti -brigade, but when things like this happen they are the first to unite, Please let me know if you need anything.Is he sleeping okay?Please keep me informed please?

Regards Lutra Lutra..

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Just thinking,reading the air ambulance donation bits. How would it be received if ALL importers and manufactures of cartridges put 10p on each box of 25 and sent it to AA Headquaters to divvy up to each helecopter.

Somehow those that don't shoot could somehow pay a little by a different route.

Then,the more we hunt,the more we pay. Also looks good on those nasty people that hunt the poor lttle fluffy bunnies etc.

What do you think?


that a good idea, the companys that make walking and camping gear could do the same

An idea such as this needs putting forward to the company/s in question,I'd suggest a petition of some sort in support of it to be put forward and see what their reaction is,not to put a dampner on it but they'd have to consider those who'd feel they are being forced to donate as well,good idea though and a worthwhile charity for sure...

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Unbelievable!!! Seriously what has become of humanity?..hope your back up and at em real soon Andy,best wishes fella

I hope that for every story like this one,senseless acts that make us ashamed to be of the same species,there are ten good ones we just don't hear of because I believe the press etc use the negative ones to sell their shitty papers as bad news travel further and faster...

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