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Another Walk Out With The Webs


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A few weeks ago I was feeling rough as hell from a very bad chest and knew a trip to the hospital was probably coming sooner rather than later so decided i'll chance it and go for a walk out with the webs. With a big moon and barely a breath of wind, I grabbed my gear and set off in the motor. This place I was going to isnt ideal to say the least, there's only 1 way in and plenty of light pollution but its always had a good head of rabbits.


I Parked the motor up and walked the short distance to the entrance of the field, I had to move very slowly and keep as low as possible as there's little foliage behind to cover my movement. I eventually got to my drop point, ran out a 50 yarder from the small basket, then moved along to the next set and dropped a 50 yard traditional net in place. I made my way a good few hundred meters up the field and began to walk back towards my waiting nets. I had to stop a few times to catch my breath, hands on knees, head spinning, thinking WTF am i doing :laugh:


Eventually i had cleared the field, so starting on my right, killed off the net. This time i had my phone in my pocket and managed to take a couple of photos as i was cleaning the nets. by the time i had both the nets up i was almost belly up myself, so a quick photo then made my way back to the motor for a cuppa tea and drive home.












7 clean rabbits in total, 2 in the traditional net and 5 in the quickset.


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ye i meant health wise , sevens alrite , had 2 one nite missd 35 , three badgers feched that up lol 25 years ago , early ninties was a netters or lampers dream in borders of scotland guys, had forty eight out one feild with dogs , and there was another twenty feilds to go ,three men with long nets would had filled a pick up for sure , but 50 p a rabbit crippld me to kill them at times ,had agood year this year with long nets not massive but consistent double figures and you can slip in and out no hassle

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