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The Bible

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I've noticed loads of God bible threads on here and I can't see what it's all about to be honest.

Do people really believe that The Virgin Mary had a kid namely Jesus.there wasn't artificial insemination in them days.

And found this saying loads of different people contributed to the bible but didn't know each other ?

Diversity of Bible Writers

Those who wrote the Bible lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another. Some Bible writers were businessmen or traders, others were shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, physicians, preachers, kingshuman beings from all walks of life. They served under different governments, and lived within contrasting cultures and systems of philosophy.


All 66 Books of the Bible Agree

But here is the wonder of it all: When the 66 books of the Bible with their 1,189 chapters made up of 31,173 verses are brought together (KJV), we find perfect harmony in the message they convey. As the great scholar F. F. Bruce noted: "The Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together."


The Bible writers gave God's messages by voice and pen while they lived, and when they died, their writings lived after them. These prophetic messages were then gathered together, under God's leading, in the book we call the Bible.

And how come no one has added anything to the bible lately.

And last question.how can God speak to someone so they can write it down.

I'm sure we are brainwashed with all the bible stuff.

Personally I think it's a load of bollocks and people want to believe in something out there purely for comfort.and like following each other like sheep.

Edited by king
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This has all been done to death, if you think it's bollocks then fair enough, if you don't think it's bollocks then that's also fair enough.

My mates misses went to Magaluf a virgin and came back pregnant and said she didn't do anything so it can happen King.

Why is jesus white in all the pictures? He was an ayrab!! He would have been brown or even black......got a clip round the lug a few times at school for that one....

Why just single out the Bible aren't all religious books of any faith just fairytales that only promote circular thinking within there own boundaries.?

Edited by kanny
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All religion should be outlawed.., then we could ban all the God/religion threads

Imagine someone trying to convince us nowadays that they just had a kid and they were a virgin.lol

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Why just single out the Bible aren't all religious books of any faith just fairytales that only promote circular thinking

But are they trying to feck our heads up with circular thinking about a virgin have a kid.

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I am very religious myself so much so that i believe a lot of them ,

i am a muslim christain jew hindu sikh buddhist pagan.

i find the diverse blend of all my religions gives me great and truly insightful thoughts and meanings to the most complex understanding of our world . and lets me feel real empathy with people ...







but please don't get me started on SCIENTOLOGY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A LOAD OF !"£%!%!££%!£






RELIGION BAN IT ALL ....the only hope for humanity ....

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This has all been done to death, if you think it's bollocks then fair enough, if you don't think it's bollocks then that's also fair enough.

If someone can totally convince me that a virgin can have a kid then by all means I will put my hands up and say.right where's the blue hair rinse I'm off to church.

It's 2015 and people are still being brainwashed will total bullshit.what a funny world we live In.

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Hope and humanity.......funny you mention those two words in a sentence wanting to ban religion/faith........for what else is it about if not those very two things ;)


Anyway, as I said, it's old hat on here !

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This has all been done to death, if you think it's bollocks then fair enough, if you don't think it's bollocks then that's also fair enough.

If someone can totally convince me that a virgin can have a kid then by all means I will put my hands up and say.right where's the blue hair rinse I'm off to church.

It's 2015 and people are still being brainwashed will total bullshit.what a funny world we live In.

Why should they convince you?.......what, you want your whole life handed to you on a plate?

You have to reach your own conclusions, sounds like you have so that's good......leave everyone else alone, their life isn't your life ;)

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Wilf I said if someone can convince me so I can see and understand why so many people can be brainwashed believe total and utter bullshit.

Do you honestly believe that a virgin can have a child ?

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Hope and humanity.......funny you mention those two words in a sentence wanting to ban religion/faith........for what else is it about if not those very two things ;)


Anyway, as I said, it's old hat on here !

Old hat? I'm just waiting to see what Francis got to say lol

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It's like those cult leaders in America that the news reports on now and again.they brainwash loads of people up to 100 living in the same house all head shot to bits.

Well to me the bible is doing the same but on a global scale and the pope is the cult leader.

I'm sure he laughs to himself thinking of all the brainwashed people stroking bibles on a daily basis.

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This has all been done to death, if you think it's bollocks then fair enough, if you don't think it's bollocks then that's also fair enough.

If someone can totally convince me that a virgin can have a kid then by all means I will put my hands up and say.right where's the blue hair rinse I'm off to church.

It's 2015 and people are still being brainwashed will total bullshit.what a funny world we live In.

If someone can also convince me that everything in the Universe was created from something smaller than an Atom then maybe I'll start to listen..

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