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Airgun Licence In Scotland Should I Just Go Fac Now.

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So it's the same old story then. Licence the law abiding citizens (ie the ones already in clubs and the ones with permission) while the ones who couldn't give a toss just carry on as they are.

There was a good old chat over things like this at my ranges recently, all echoing the same as you lads, when one of the range lads said "Here`s how stupid the law is,- watch this" ! He pu

Same as with bows etc, I go to Scotland regular don't know what the cracks going to be. This is how daft its getting I got asked for ID last year for a pallete knife.

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  On 09/12/2015 at 23:38, PeskyWabbits said:

Is this just another possession tax?

Nothing more.


No doubt they will make a few examples of folk. Well publicised nonsense.

Yes they will weed out a few idiots and again this will be for the media train.

Maybe a percentage of upstanding air rifle owners will cross the "I's", dot the "T's" and pay their "FEES"!!

Some may be unlucky. Get caught and play the ignorance card.

To me it's unpoliceable.


I don't know what the penalties are but I dare say there's a lot of air rifles out there.

It will be one hell of an amnesty.

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  On 10/12/2015 at 00:16, Giro said:

Penlty be fair stiff? ?

In theory it's a Unliesenced firearm..

Are they registering the air rifles as section 1 firearms?

Or registering the owners as air rifle owners?


The fore mentioned would mean you can't buy an air rifle from Scotland. Not without a FAC.


Don't mean to sound thick. But it's not something I have been following.

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  On 10/12/2015 at 00:24, moxy said:


  On 10/12/2015 at 00:16, Giro said:

Penlty be fair stiff? ?

In theory it's a Unliesenced firearm..

Are they registering the air rifles as section 1 firearms?

Or registering the owners as air rifle owners?


The fore mentioned would mean you can't buy an air rifle from Scotland. Not without a FAC.


Don't mean to sound thick. But it's not something I have been following.


All seems a bit vague to me considering it's projected to to come in April '16.


Moxy Q&A From BASC link

14. Do I need to get a licence for each of my air rifles – I have 3?

The intention is that one licence will cover any number of air rifles and air pistols.


I assme this if sub 12 & FAC all lumped in together.


At the moment on a FAC cert do you register each gun by serial number?


In answer to treecreeper "I go to Scotland regular don't know what the cracks going to be.

This is how daft its getting I got asked for ID last year for a pallete knife."


16. I live in England but come up to Scotland to shoot the rabbits on my uncle’s farm with my shotgun, .22 rimfire rifle and my air rifle. Can I still come to Scotland and bring my guns with me?

When the legislation is in place you will still be able to come to Scotland with your shotgun, your .22 rimfire rifle and your air rifle up to the date when your Shot Gun Certificate, or Firearm Certificate, is renewed. After this date you will need to apply for a Visitors Permit for your air rifle, but not for your shot gun or .22 rimfire rifle.

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There cutting the FAO and struggle as it is how are they going to cope with say a million air rifle suddenly needing licensed . It going to be the same as when they needed all security , teachers and teachers helpers cleared for the back ground checks they made a right pigs ear of that

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Sounds a right ball ache this lot! I thought it was the end when they stopped mail order air rifles and stuff!


My question/contribution is do you apply and be vetted like the current fac,meaning some convictions rule you out,or just apply with your serial numbers and have it granted like a rod licence?

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See the now in central Scotland any extra coppers are being used to cover road closures by the Forth Road Bridge you would have to be pretty stupid to get caught doing anything just now and I bet new air gun licenses are the last thing on there mind

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Why are they bringing this in,is there that much air gun crime? Are air rifles a cause or part of a notable problem? Sorry if this has been asked or answered but is it really as simple as making money? Where would the money even go,back into countryside management or a back pocket?

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  On 11/12/2015 at 20:20, bob.243 said:

It came about after a druggie shot a 2 year old toddler in the head and he died.

As tragic as that is do you think this is a case of going over the top with a solution to prevent more incidents,similar to the way they tightened the rules after hungerford?


As an edit just looked this up and remember it now,seems they are bowing to public pressure a bit,I understand the anger and people think by doing this they are preventing another incident but is this a viable solution?

Edited by random
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