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Reintroduction Of Surrey Rabbits

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Some of the smallest rabbits I have encountered have been off good arable land where they have been feeding off winter wheat. You would be lucky to get one over two pounds whole dead weight. They all look like August 3/4 grown rabbits.


A mate gave me some rabbits years ago that he had caught up in Malham, I could not believe the size of them they were 3 1/2lb gutted huge rabbits. I remember talking to FJ Taylor about it and he told me of the biggest rabbit he had ever caught, and that was from the dales, It's front teeth had grown up through the rabbits head and it could not open it's mouth. He reckoned it survived and thrived by feeding on the algae off the bottom of the streams.



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Right,, im going to shut up after this statement,, lads please do this

it was so pleasing knowing that i put those rabbits down,on new ground, to them that is.. and they are more in number

but they are digging new burrows. And to experiance this for myself was quite special.

i have in the past heard from close sources that this works, but from my observation it really

does work,just needed to share with all of you.

go net some from a completely differen area and drop them where you previously released . Watch the numbers explode after .
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we let four go in the early eigties ten years later it was pest plague problems you would see fifty on a nite sitting out then back into the old coal fired powerstation unreal through the pailing fences ,


used to get a few regulary ,still there to this day

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Might have to give this a whirl,,,got some drop boxes up north ,,might bring down a hundred or so ,,and drop one or two in all the warrens round my village,,,,


Only trouble of course is ,,,the keeper night shooting the feckers,,,that would piss me off

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Make sure you dip em in durimitex first incase of Mixi, and then even if there clear of Mixi it's no good if there's been Mixi on the ground your going to be droppin em on, other than that it does work tho and can breed well in just a few years..

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diffrent feeding and more pests on low land especaily wheat feilds etc,high land keepers more thorough on pests les pr4edators, i let seven go on low land didnt last long , better grass up the hills and they can wander were ever at times,

Edited by fluff
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I to have put rabbits down in the past with no success. However, seven years ago I moved to a spot with no rabbits at all..I decided to drop again,this time with a difference. I chose three spots to take them from, two spots had myxy at the time, the other the year before. Only ones that showed healed scarring were kept......Myxy hit after two summers, lost about 10 percent. Same again three years later. The amount on the ground now is immense!!!!! For the last three seasons we have cropped about 600+. Right at the back of the house.

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