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That's Just Wrong

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  On 07/12/2015 at 12:06, Ideation said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 11:52, walshie said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 11:50, Ideation said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 10:42, walshie said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 10:13, Ideation said:

Why IS this a Christian country? What right does a religion have over a country? I'm British and I didn't sign up for any religious shite.


It's not all about Christianity vs Islam. I don't want either, all both have ever done is caused agro.


How can it possibly bother you so much? Next you'll be getting upset that no one believes in the easter bunny or tooth fairly anymore.


I don't go to church. I don't believe in god but this is a Christian country, whether you subscribe to that idea or not. I never mentioned Islam. I don't want any more of our traditions eroded away whatever the reason.

WHY is this a christian country?

Because 60% of the people who live here are and we were here first.

Are they?


Or are most of those folk just box tickers who do so out of 'fear' etc. Are you really telling me that 60% of the population in the U.K structure their lives around the bible and christianity?


And were you?


The pagans might have something to say about that. . . . they are a legitimate religion and were here long before the Christians came and persecuted them and forced their beliefs upon them. . . . .

Almost all the countries in the western world structure theirselves around the bible and Christianity because they are the principals most of the modern west is founded on.......same as Islamic countries and structures on the principals of the Koran (spel?)


You can say what you like and believe (or not) what you wish but make no mistake Northern Europe are very old white Christian cultures.

Edited by WILF
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A question for all you guys that say your not Christian ... If you died tomorrow what would your relatives do with your body? I hazard a guess you will be buried or cremated and a minister will carry

Although I don't follow the Christian faith I have been like most of us bought up to follow Christian values that are the foundation of our country so to undermine those values go's against everything

I know, lol. I'm going to remind him of that on page 100.

  On 07/12/2015 at 15:14, Francie said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 15:09, neems said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 15:02, Francie said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 14:50, neems said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 14:34, NEWKID said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 14:29, neems said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 14:22, NEWKID said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 14:09, neems said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 14:03, NEWKID said:

I suppose all of us atheists are hypocrites celebrating this Christian festivity......

Right that's it I'm banning it in our house, this'll save me a fortune!!

Which part of it is xtian?


the tree?

giving presents to kids?

the (female?) 'angel' on top of the tree?

A wizard visiting in the night?

I've absolutely no idea mate... I watch the kids nativity, baby jesus, Mary, Donkey, Angels, Kings, Shephards etc...

I put the tree up and put a Star on top

I love watching the kids christmas carol service in local church

They have presents, I have presents, the wife has presents

I also make them believe a man in a red suit with a big beard flies through the night on sleigh pulled by reindeers and delivers all the presents


I don't believe in god I don't believe in Father Christmas (well not completely, just in case lol).... I'm a hypocrite...


I took the kids up the Christmas market last night, it's on the Cathedral Green... We sat and had a home made pizza cooked in wood burner, listened to Christmas music, looking at the most beautiful building in our City ... and felt Christmassy...

You're not a hypocrite was my point,it's a much older European festival that christians adopted,but there's nothing christian about it.

Surely a lot of our traditions are thousands of years in the making, constantly evolving and changing.. people taking what they want from them and leaving behind what they don't.. I'm obviously nowhere near as well read as you are on these subject mate, it's just not my interest... my point was I still follow the tradition (religious or otherwise).. because I enjoy it and particularly the kids do.. not because I believe in anything particularly....

It all descends from European paganism,which was almost the same all over Europe,whether that was Finland,Spain or Greece.


The tradition was kept alive when the rituals were banned by the christians,so it couldn't be too obvious.

'Father christmas' is the sorcerer who brought the possessions of the dead to their descendants (presents),the tree represents the god Heimdallr and the angel is a Valkyrie.


There's a lot more to it,but your ancestors have followed this tradition for a very long time if you're European,it doesn't mean they believed in yahweh or magic.

Your rights neems, another pagan ritual mixed with Christianity, all the bollocks of trees stars, mixed in with the birth of Christ, which is not Dec 25th, that's the only reason paganism survived, cause if they didn't mix with Christianity it would have gone extinct because all it is is worshipping objects of nature which a supposed pagan spirit has entered.

Paganism has only ever declined when being a pagan meant death,worse it was usually of the best and brightest (in Europe the longer the country's been xtian, the lower the average IQ,coincidence?),as soon as that stopped it began to thrive again.


Christianity has always had the opposite problem :whistling:

So pagans have a higher IQ than Christians, lol



Yeah,so do Atheists and Buddhists,kill off the best and brightest for being 'witches' and watch the IQ plummet.

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  On 07/12/2015 at 15:25, WILF said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 12:06, Ideation said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 11:52, walshie said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 11:50, Ideation said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 10:42, walshie said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 10:13, Ideation said:

Why IS this a Christian country? What right does a religion have over a country? I'm British and I didn't sign up for any religious shite.


It's not all about Christianity vs Islam. I don't want either, all both have ever done is caused agro.


How can it possibly bother you so much? Next you'll be getting upset that no one believes in the easter bunny or tooth fairly anymore.

I don't go to church. I don't believe in god but this is a Christian country, whether you subscribe to that idea or not. I never mentioned Islam. I don't want any more of our traditions eroded away whatever the reason.

WHY is this a christian country?

Because 60% of the people who live here are and we were here first.

Are they?


Or are most of those folk just box tickers who do so out of 'fear' etc. Are you really telling me that 60% of the population in the U.K structure their lives around the bible and christianity?


And were you?


The pagans might have something to say about that. . . . they are a legitimate religion and were here long before the Christians came and persecuted them and forced their beliefs upon them. . . . .

Almost all the countries in the western world structure theirselves around the bible and Christianity because they are the principals most of the modern west is founded on.......same as Islamic countries and structures on the principals of the Koran (spel?)


You can say what you like and believe (or not) what you wish but make no mistake Northern Europe are very old white Christian cultures.



But if Neems is correct and the christians drove out the pagans, and replaced/adapted the country with Christianity whilst the pagans in the main dispersed and became the minority, is this evolution?

Are we now evolving from Christianity here, further and further into Atheism, with the only connection for many being Christmas, Easter etc.... in turn this leaves the flood gates open for other religions to fill the voids we are creating, is this in itself part of the evolution in Man? I guess the pagans held the same fears all those thousands of years ago??

Perhaps the controlling nature of all religion has no place in the world, perhaps we will evolve and have no need at all to follow a God?


We're a funny creature us humans always striving for something different.

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  On 07/12/2015 at 15:40, NEWKID said:



But if Neems is correct and the christians drove out the pagans, and replaced/adapted the country with Christianity whilst the pagans in the main dispersed and became the minority, is this evolution?

Are we now evolving from Christianity here, further and further into Atheism, with the only connection for many being Christmas, Easter etc.... in turn this leaves the flood gates open for other religions to fill the voids we are creating, is this in itself part of the evolution in Man? I guess the pagans held the same fears all those thousands of years ago??

Perhaps the controlling nature of all religion has no place in the world, perhaps we will evolve and have no need at all to follow a God?


We're a funny creature us humans always striving for something different.



It was more of a subversion imo


The myth of christ is a pagan ritual,outlined in the Eddas with evidence it's at least 5000 years old,the original European xtians were probably still pagan if that makes sense.

The symbols are the same,the festivals have just been renamed holidays,the rites are similar,the word God/Gott is shorthand for Gotan or Wotan,Jord (Freya) is lord etc etc


It probably gradually crept in,more like a virus than evolution,the people who noticed the stark difference and rebelled were usually burned alive which caused the viking age to begin.


A bit like our 'traditional values' now include tolerating terrorism,give it a few generations and that may become the norm.

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This is way off topic but in short I believe in what's in front of my eyes and I see Islam with a strong bond of faith on the up and I see splintered groups of western people who are buying into the constant attacks on the church and faith getting the shit kicked out of it......you lot do the maths ;)

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  On 07/12/2015 at 16:13, Francie said:

Neems the eddas was wrote in the 13 century, its a book of Scandinavian myths, so I dou t that relates to Jesus,


It's also not evidence that the r i t e actually took place,you'd need to look at archaeological evidence then put the 2 together.

Edited by neems
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  On 07/12/2015 at 16:33, king said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 13:54, TUFFTY said:

Start going to church.

Believers and non believers.

Make the faith stronger

what so the vicar can slam the finger into you the dirty barstuds.

King tut-tut

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  On 07/12/2015 at 16:11, WILF said:

This is way off topic but in short I believe in what's in front of my eyes and I see Islam with a strong bond of faith on the up and I see splintered groups of western people who are buying into the constant attacks on the church and faith getting the shit kicked out of it......you lot do the maths ;)


  On 07/12/2015 at 16:11, WILF said:

This is way off topic but in short I believe in what's in front of my eyes and I see Islam with a strong bond of faith on the up and I see splintered groups of western people who are buying into the constant attacks on the church and faith getting the shit kicked out of it......you lot do the maths ;)


So religion was the glue that tied us together Wilf?

Even in the Islamic world they kick the shit out of each other because one group of muslims think another group of muslims are c**ts.. bit like our own Christianity down the years...

Most of us follow the Christian principles/laws laid down by the country as a way to conduct our lives, but it's not religion that will save the country from being changed for ever (it's too late anyway)... we could all start going to church tomorrow and repent our sins, will it make any difference?

... lets have it straight, there will be no uprising, we will all carry on as before, whilst the world slowly changes around us, as it always has.... the bond of faith should of been faith in our communities, our towns, our children.. you have had to leave your community, your town for the good of your children... now thats a real shame... but good on you I say

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The time is rapidly approaching when all who live in the United Kingdom will be forced by circumstances to come out on one side or the other. It will not be to long before those who owe in their minds not one ounce of Allegiance to this Country’s Values demand a slice if not all of its land, or are we just going to keep on supporting the disintegration and dividing of other countries and think that it will never happen to us?


Laugh and disparage all that you want about Christianity and its Values from which our way of life Derives. But for whatever sake you call out to start living in the real world, is it going to be just us who live in some parts of Britain’s City’s that will have to take the Brunt of it until it hits your homes? Just because it is not reported on whatever news you read or look at doesn't mean that a lot of us don’t have to put up with untold amounts of shit every day.


I do not care if you pray or how one prays, I do care about Democratic Western Values and not some Shits that want to take us all back Fifteen Hundred Years but keep all that we can give them and then keeping us as Forced Converted their Slave’s or Dead.

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  On 07/12/2015 at 16:30, neems said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 16:13, Francie said:


Neems the eddas was wrote in the 13 century, its a book of Scandinavian myths, so I dou t that relates to Jesus,

It's also not evidence that the r i t e actually took place,you'd need to look at archaeological evidence then put the 2 together.

Oh I have mate, I have.

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I believe in a bygone time this country was indeed Christian . . Our jurisdiction was founded on the bible after all . . But given that a Christian is someone who believes in the fundamental teachings of Jesus Christ, namely the purpose in his life, death and resurrection I am most certain that we are no longer a Christian country, simply because folks who believe those teachings are now, sadly, in the minority.

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Here's a thought if more people supported Christianity maybe all the mosques that appear might not get the government grants and planning permissions they currently enjoy, MAYBE MORE PEOPLE WOULD STAND UP AND SAY NO THIS IS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY AND YOU CAN NOT DO THOSE THINGS HERE.


Aparthy is such a terrible condition and this country is very ill with it IMO.

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