shepp 2,285 Posted December 9, 2015 Report Share Posted December 9, 2015 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
neems 2,406 Posted December 9, 2015 Report Share Posted December 9, 2015 On 09/12/2015 at 13:08, mackay said: On 09/12/2015 at 11:46, desertbred said: On 09/12/2015 at 11:29, mackay said: On 09/12/2015 at 10:43, desertbred said: On 09/12/2015 at 10:37, mackay said: On 09/12/2015 at 09:35, desertbred said: On 08/12/2015 at 23:16, mackay said: On 08/12/2015 at 20:19, desertbred said: Staffariffraf fEvery one wants their kids to grow up in a peaceful affluent society its only a minute percentage of people that dont. I have said before on here I dont think integration works that is my own opinion it doesnt mean it will not work in the future but I cant see it in my lifetime, Societies need to be tolerant of each other diversity is part and parcel of human nature and for Humanity to survive that diversity has to be there, this concept of a Master race is old hat and bull shit,it has been tried over the millennia and failed . Tolerance ,understanding Education compassion what ever tag you want to put on it we are all individuals but we form the human race, some want it divided on racial grounds colour geographically religious segregation, even financial and military might, that is what has brought the world to the brink of destruction on numerous occasions. A Mans faith or lack of it is his personal concern and to tell them to leave their faith or some one to be forced into a faith is totally and utterly wrong if I want my children to grow up as Muslims this is our right irrespective of which country we choose to live in. There is no law in any part of the world that forbids me to be Muslim or to follow Islam and there is no law in the world that says you cant be Christian or athiest it is a personal thing faith not for the state or some group of want to be dictators to impose them selves on others. Historically you will find that Britania imposed itself and its customs and traditions on over half the known world now the trait is reversed suddenly its not acceptable for Foreigners to come and maintain their own customs and traditions like the Raj in India or the Boers in Africa Europeans forced their customs and traditions on the Red indians and the Aborigenes they tried it in China leading to the boxer revolution They subjugated 3/4 of Africa that was ok but if you want to cometo UK assimilate leave yourfaith swear allegiance and you will be integrated I think you know my answer to that. Britain did run riot and impose it's laws and cultures on many countries creating the empire, why?, because we were more switched on and educated than the countries we ruled.. If those countries had been able to they would have shafted us, it's that simple. Life was simple, you were stronger, cleverer, you exploited the fact. To equate what went on hundreds of years ago to what is happening now doesn't balance. I'm fed up hearing self righteous left wing pricks apologising for what Britain did to the world. The British people were better educated two hundred years ago than very many shitholes still are today, and that includes your middle eastern countries, many of them would still be sitting picking nits from their heads and eating them if not for the western world. Apart from oil and it's only western demand that gives it value and it's certainly western technology that gets it out the ground what exactly have middle eastern countries given to the world? Being so advanced and educated the West has f**k all to worry about then has it, Talk about the blind leading the Blind ffs the west is in a sorry state look at the position here if everything is so rosey what a plank. That'll be why you're here and you're daughter is receiving an education compliments of the west then, an education she obviously cannot get in your Islamic paradise. As to the state of the west, the problem might not be totally due to allowing the worlds dross and their many offspring in, but it sure as feck is a massive contribution to it. Compliments of the West my arse I am paying for it. My daughter wants to study western law and also Shariat then she will be good at her intended job and know what she is talking about unlike you and your ilk Did I say you weren't paying/contributing?. My point is you and your daughter are here in the Uk, get it?. You like so many muslims are quick to condemn western values/cultures whilst waxing lyrical of your own faith and country. Fair enough that's your right, compliments of western democracy I might add, but tell me, why are you and your family here if not for something you can get here and not where you call home. Your argument is dead in the water mate, you choose to live in my country, I wouldn't live in the middle east for a Harvard degree. How is my argument dead in the water you really are clutching at straws I have as much right to be here as you under British Law so you are the one trying to justify something you cant. In islam we are told to travel in order to gain knowledge and education, Neither would i want a Harvard degree I do however happen to have one from here, I explained my daughter wanted to study western jurisprudence and as a Father it is my duty to allow it so we are here, that is my choice your opinion one way or the other has no bearing or influence on my programme so your time may be better utilised improving your own position or status rather than criticising me for what or where I am. Finally if you think the present position of the UK is good you really need to observe what is around you and do something to improve it, Waxing lyrical about my own country LOL thats rich coming from a Scotsman Again, you are missing my point, intentionally or not I don't know. Yes you have a right to be here under British law, that doesn't actually make it right, I'm pretty sure there have been terrorist attacks perpetrated by people legally here. People with British passports and classed as British citizens. So forgive me if I don't credit much substance to that particular line of thinking. Before you go off on one I'm not comparing you to a terrorist but making a point. I don't think the present situation in the UK is good or acceptable and as I said not wholly to do with muslims/immigrants. Do I however think they are in part to blame?, bloody right I do and this country is screaming out for controlled immigrant numbers. The simple fact is this, the majority of immigrants in this country and that would include the majority of muslims and that would then include you and your daughter are here to benefit themselves and not the country. Regardless of the leftwing tripe fed to us daily by the usual suspects this country would not grind to a halt if the majority of immigrants left tomorrow. He avoids questions that show how flawed his view is. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
The Seeker 3,048 Posted December 9, 2015 Report Share Posted December 9, 2015 On 09/12/2015 at 10:14, desertbred said: On 08/12/2015 at 22:55, The Seeker said: On 08/12/2015 at 21:24, desertbred said: On 08/12/2015 at 21:13, kanny said: On 08/12/2015 at 21:09, desertbred said: iSLAMIC IDEOLOGY IS TOTAL SUBMISSION TO ALLAH and Prophet Muhammad is his last Prophet why should we try to change what we believe is the will of Allah ? that would be hypocritical No I don't want you to be me be yourself instead of a brainwashed sheep. Brainwashed why. I have knowledge and understanding of my faith , Far from being a brain washed sheep I am one of the most independent minded people you could meet as any one who knows me will verify, I can discuss at any level on a wide range of subjects and have till now lived a full and varied life through my education and chosen career so brainwashed may apply to you but certainly not me. DB can you show me the family tree linking Ishmael to Mohammed? If I understand it correctly he became a prophet after a dream where the Angel Gabriel told him he was a descendent...correct? Muslims when they pray they ask Allah to bless Abraham and his descendants and Muhammad and his descendants this shows two different lines . Why would Muslims pray for Abraham and his descendants if they are two different lines? It doesn't make sense if the claim Muslims are descendants from Ishmeal is untrue. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
dare 1,103 Posted December 9, 2015 Report Share Posted December 9, 2015 When is it ok for girls to have sex desertbred? Only ask as you have a daughter n sound like a normal dad wanting the best for his daughter. Only we hear how islam allows girls to have sex when they start having periods regardless of age. Not looking for an internet argument with you but im just curious as to what your answer would be. Not read all the posts n what not but gotta say fair play for sticking around at least. No doubt your side of arguments is outnumbered but still here standing your ground. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mackem 28,216 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 On 09/12/2015 at 22:21, dare said: When is it ok for girls to have sex desertbred? Only ask as you have a daughter n sound like a normal dad wanting the best for his daughter. Only we hear how islam allows girls to have sex when they start having periods regardless of age Muslim men can marry non muslim women,would you allow your daughter to marry a christian or an atheist or animist DB? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) Dare and Mackem I would not be in favour of my daughter marrying a non Muslim. lf she did it would caus serious family divisions, My own Fther married a Christian women but in islam males are permitted to marry women of the book which basically means Muslims Christian and Jews as we believe Allah gave 4 books to mankind it still caused family problems . I have 3 Daughter the elder 2 were 25 years old when they married after university education . My youngest Daughter hopefully will also be at least 25 years old, I dont agree with young girls marriage even though islam permits it at puberty, The time for marriage should be a family decision including the girl but my opinion has already been stated. Edited December 10, 2015 by desertbred Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) On 09/12/2015 at 21:34, The Seeker said: On 09/12/2015 at 10:14, desertbred said: On 08/12/2015 at 22:55, The Seeker said: On 08/12/2015 at 21:24, desertbred said: On 08/12/2015 at 21:13, kanny said: On 08/12/2015 at 21:09, desertbred said: iSLAMIC IDEOLOGY IS TOTAL SUBMISSION TO ALLAH and Prophet Muhammad is his last Prophet why should we try to change what we believe is the will of Allah ? that would be hypocritical No I don't want you to be me be yourself instead of a brainwashed sheep. Brainwashed why. I have knowledge and understanding of my faith , Far from being a brain washed sheep I am one of the most independent minded people you could meet as any one who knows me will verify, I can discuss at any level on a wide range of subjects and have till now lived a full and varied life through my education and chosen career so brainwashed may apply to you but certainly not me. DB can you show me the family tree linking Ishmael to Mohammed? If I understand it correctly he became a prophet after a dream where the Angel Gabriel told him he was a descendent...correct? Muslims when they pray they ask Allah to bless Abraham and his descendants and Muhammad and his descendants this shows two different lines . Why would Muslims pray for Abraham and his descendants if they are two different lines? It doesn't make sense if the claim Muslims are descendants from Ishmeal is untrue. We as Muslims belIeve that Allah commenced the faith of islam in the Time of Abraham and completed it in the Time of Muhammad this is in the Qran and the first Kaaba was built by Abraham and the last by Muhammad also the Hajj and the halaL slaughter commenced with Abraham and was and is continued by Muslims and Jews Kosher and Halal are slaughter in the name of Allah . Christians are not related to Jesus but they pray to and for him.Hindus are not related to stone statues or cows but they pray to them. So why shouldnt Muslims pray to Allah to bless Abraham and his descendants dont you pray to God to save your Queen and shes not your relation. Edited December 10, 2015 by desertbred 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kanny 21,069 Posted December 10, 2015 Author Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 O Allah may you make the apostates against each other and the polytheists against their likes and bring out the Unitarians from them safely, with their spoils, O Lord of Worlds, O Allah. May their women be widowed, may their children be orphaned, may their blood freeze in their veins, may their food be stuck in their inner testines. O Allah, destroy them make their miseries strong among them, O Allah grant us victory over them, O Allah send your punishment on them, bring division in the midst of their union, scattering them, disseminating their numbers. O Allah, grant us victory over them. O Allah may their snares be slaughtered and be scuttled within themselves. O Allah show us your power. O Mighty One and the Vanquisher, O Allah show us in them a dark day as in the day of A’ad and Thamud. O Allah, quake the earth under their feet, O Allah empower venomous creatures over them and send hail storms over them as you did over A’ad and Thamud and deliver them as captives in the hands of your believing slaves and humiliate the polytheists and, O Allah, lift up the banner of Islam … Why is it right and legal for Muslims to criticise, denounce, slander and vilify all other religions in any way they choose, particularly the Jews and Christians? However, if one were to respond by examining Islam critically the Muslims would consider that an abuse and vilification of Islam and would demand an apology, and even after the apology is given there will be no guarantee that the culprit would live. Hypocrisy? 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mackem 28,216 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 What would be your reaction if she DID want to marry a non-muslim given that its your daughters happiness we are talking about,muslim men can marry non muslim but muslim women cant marry a non muslim,bit one sided. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,152 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 One sided maybe?.......common sense?......absolutely !! If only the west had such a sensible breeding programme 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Silversnake 1,099 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 I wish there was another option but I don't think Islam can or ever will fit into any other culture. They will either be stamped out completely or take over completely as has happened throughout history. I do not understand why Western countries accept muslims at all, integration does not and will not work. I don't mean offence to muslims by this, I think this is the truth. It will be realised, it will get messy and life will go on. 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) On 10/12/2015 at 09:50, mackem said: What would be your reaction if she DID want to marry a non-muslim given that its your daughters happiness we are talking about,muslim men can marry non muslim but muslim women cant marry a non muslim,bit one sided. i answered previously I would not accept it and she would cease to be apart of my extended family. I dont believe in forced marriage before you ask. I believe my Daughter has been brought up correctly to respect her faith and her family and traditions. She respects people and society she has friends from all backgrounds races and religions and is capable to understand life and what actions have what consequences it is unfortunate that lots of people dont have that approach to their own children. I live my life with the policy I treat people with respect and dignity and expect the same in return, if some one misbehaves with me or my family then the actions and consequence comes into play. Treat people as you want to be treated yourself. I see people behave in different ways they are responsible for their actions or should be. One sided does not enter into it Law is often criticised for being unfair but its implemented isnt it? Edited December 10, 2015 by desertbred 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tatsblisters 10,502 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 On 10/12/2015 at 10:43, WILF said: One sided maybe?.......common sense?......absolutely !! If only the west had such a sensible breeding programme Though in the past i have been called racist as i did not want my daughters mixing with muslims makeing sure they went to a school were no muslim kids attended. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tandors 888 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 That's fair enough desert bred I am the same and would disown my children if they went with someone who isn't north European lol. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
dare 1,103 Posted December 10, 2015 Report Share Posted December 10, 2015 On 10/12/2015 at 06:44, desertbred said: Dare and Mackem I would not be in favour of my daughter marrying a non Muslim. lf she did it would caus serious family divisions, My own Fther married a Christian women but in islam males are permitted to marry women of the book which basically means Muslims Christian and Jews as we believe Allah gave 4 books to mankind it still caused family problems . I have 3 Daughter the elder 2 were 25 years old when they married after university education . My youngest Daughter hopefully will also be at least 25 years old, I dont agree with young girls marriage even though islam permits it at puberty, The time for marriage should be a family decision including the girl but my opinion has already been stated. Like i say i dont read all the topics n posts tbh so not seen if you'd stated it before. I was just curious thats all, by not agreeing with it though would you be admitting its wrong? It dont mean f**k all to me and one bloke admitting yeah that part of our book is wrong means f**k all either. Im just curious as to how people could ever find it acceptable. How come men are allowed to marry non muslims? Would the kids be expected to be brought up as muslim? sounds just like another way of spreading the religion. Btw i hate all religions equally lol but couldn't give a shit what people get unto in their own home if not effecting anyone else. I actually think its normal to not want your family to marry outside of your community type thing probably more so with daughters imo. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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