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France Elections: National Front Leads In Regional Polls

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Did a double take when I got to this line in your link "Other jails with a startlingly high proportion include Isis (34 per cent)" :laugh: you'd expect there to be a higher percentage of Muslims in Isis :whistling:

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You can't bribe,coerce or threaten voters....   So Labour just import them.

I don't see how you can deal with an irrational situation by rational means?.........the lunatics have taken over the asylum and only another band of lunatics will get them shifted. The situation is

Thing is pal we are at war, the war with Islamic extremeists, just because they don't put on uniforms doesn't mean they are no less of a threat than a standard army.   You may think this statement i

  On 08/12/2015 at 16:50, neems said:


  On 08/12/2015 at 16:32, desertbred said:


  On 08/12/2015 at 16:27, neems said:

Not even comparable as a %,look at who fills our prisons.


You can deny what's happening at the moment all you want,but tensions were always going to rise and will continue to.

You won't leave peacefully if asked then?

No ones denying anything lets see your Home office pie charts regarding population percentages and the registers for sex offenders it may well surprise you. I will go when I decide to and happily if some redneck tries to force me to go will I f**k.



Muslims represent only 4.7 per cent of the population in England and Wales, according to the most recent Census, yet one in seven prisoners (14 per cent) in England and Wales is a Muslim, according to the statistics.




The first page when I googled % of muslim prisoners,that's not baring in mind the fact they are organised criminals or the fact they can often get off for the sake of' community relations' or by claiming racism.


I'm not talking about a redneck telling you to get out,I'm talking about state enforced repatriation.you can take your money and possessions with you.


State enforced repatriation akin to slave trade try that then certainly you will have more problems than your country can handle, these are the days of diplomacy and agreement not the British Empire or American world domination. How many of these alledged muslims are British converts it has been said that some muslims in the prisons run things I dont know this is correct or not but plenty claim to embrace islam as a means of self preservation . Mike Tyson even embraced islam when he was a prisoner but forgot about it once released . Those who list their religion as muslim are usually drug dealers fences pimps thieves peados who frequent pubs and clubs and are about as far from islam when in society as an athiest. so its a very loose term muslim.

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It's a far off fantasy at this point admittedly,it is the best option available though,different groups of people can't live peacefully side by side for long.

I don't know their mindset you'd be better asking a prison officer or someone who's been ever been in a prison,failing that someone who associates with criminal muslims/asians.


But giving you cash to the value of your possessions and sending you back where you belong is not even comparable to the slave trade.

Edited by neems
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  On 08/12/2015 at 17:09, neems said:

It's a far off fantasy at this point admittedly,it is the best option available though,different groups of people can't live peacefully side by side for long.

I don't know their mindset you'd be better asking a prison officer or someone who's been ever been in a prison,failing that someone who associates with criminal muslims/asians.


But giving you cash to the value of your possessions and sending you back where you belong is not even comparable to the slave trade.

What about all the Asians, Africans, etc who gave their lives in defence of your Empire and Commonwealth you going to compensate the families that lost Fathers Brothers Sons or the children that were never born because their potential fathers died in some foreign land in the name of your Queen you are not even capable of vision of reality the repatriation you talk of would mean go back to William the Conquerer the Danes the Romans the Vikings most of the "BRITISH" population would be deported or is this enforced repatriation is going to be very selective in its implementation ? Think before you make such outlandish predictions

Edited by desertbred
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  On 08/12/2015 at 16:50, neems said:

I'm not talking about a redneck telling you to get out,I'm talking about state enforced repatriation.you can take your money and possessions with you.


Finally we get around to it!


Nationalism doesn't work... Get over it. ;)

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  On 08/12/2015 at 18:09, maxhardcore said:

At the end of the day take away wishy washy political correctness and what he is saying makes sense to future safety of Anericans


The only Americans he's making sense to are the ones that are still pissed at not being able to own black people, any more.

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  On 08/12/2015 at 17:48, ChrisJones said:


  On 08/12/2015 at 16:50, neems said:

I'm not talking about a redneck telling you to get out,I'm talking about state enforced repatriation.you can take your money and possessions with you.


Finally we get around to it!


Nationalism doesn't work... Get over it. ;)




So Europe,Japan and Russia fell to the Mongol/Muslim hordes and are lost forever?


No,nationalism ensured they were eventually repelled.

Even Bolshevism would have taken Western Europe if not for National socialists preempting their invasion.

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  On 08/12/2015 at 18:09, maxhardcore said:

At the end of the day take away wishy washy political correctness and what he is saying makes sense to future safety of Anericans

And he is right GB now has areas unsafe for non Muslims and Police.


People are starting to speak their mind and sometimes re Trump at the highest levels.


Not over hear appart from Farage

Our lot have yet to grow a pair and tell the left wing appeasers to fcuk off so to speak .


BUT maybe times are a changing.


Folk on the streets ' your average Joe'


They are talking without fear of Goverment


Average Joe has had a gut full


All ages are sick of the left.




Hopefully the tide will begin to turn for the folk who put their Country before their religion who put Europe and the West before ANY religion.

Europe for f**k sake Max dont talk like a c**t The Germans fought two world wars against Britain, The French fought a hundred years war the Spanish cant stand Brits The European community tolerate Britain when UK leaves the Union see how much respect they have then.you really do wear rose tinted glasses see the reality. If you think Islamaphobia is going to be a unifying force for Europe and the West you really are nieve in the extreme.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 08/12/2015 at 17:22, desertbred said:


  On 08/12/2015 at 17:09, neems said:

It's a far off fantasy at this point admittedly,it is the best option available though,different groups of people can't live peacefully side by side for long.

I don't know their mindset you'd be better asking a prison officer or someone who's been ever been in a prison,failing that someone who associates with criminal muslims/asians.


But giving you cash to the value of your possessions and sending you back where you belong is not even comparable to the slave trade.

What about all the Asians, Africans, etc who gave their lives in defence of your Empire and Commonwealth you going to compensate the families that lost Fathers Brothers Sons or the children that were never born because their potential fathers died in some foreign land in the name of your Queen you are not even capable of vision of reality the repatriation you talk of would mean go back to William the Conquerer the Danes the Romans the Vikings most of the "BRITISH" population would be deported or is this enforced repatriation is going to be very selective in its implementation ? Think before you make such outlandish predictions



What do they have to do with anything?

Those mercenaries weren't forced to serve.


The British are European in blood and spirit,that's the criteria,it happens we're mostly northern European.


You will never belong or be accepted here,most won't admit it (some even to themselves),but look closely into the eyes of the next Englishman you speak to and you'll probably see it

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  On 08/12/2015 at 18:19, neems said:

So Europe,Japan and Russia fell to the Mongol/Muslim hordes and are lost forever?


No,nationalism ensured they were eventually repelled.

Even Bolshevism would have taken Western Europe if not for National socialists preempting their invasion.


I'm sure there are enough of you that think state enforced repatriation is a really great idea but you're talking about Britain, in 2015.


It isn't going to happen.


You'll be fighting your fellow countrymen, on your own streets. The resulting civil conflict will do more to harm the nation's health, strength, and prosperity than you'd know how to repair.


Essentially you'd turn the place into a tinpot dictatorship and you won't manage it without a fight either.



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  On 08/12/2015 at 18:30, Onlyworkmatters said:

Farage was just on the news saying trump was out of order saying what he did


Trump's looking for the Republican nomination... The Republican party are now coming out and distancing themselves, from his nonsense, and THAT is saying something based on their previous nonsense!

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