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Getting Started

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Hi all, I am looking to get started with a view to trying my hand at ratting.


The advice I am looking for is how do I get the experience or help to be a competent and save air gun user?


Should I join a normal field shooting club local to me in Hampshire to get my shooting experience and some help in choosing the right first gun without breaking the bank.


Would these type of clubs have ratting members who could help with advice and "rules" when shooting around farms and farm buildings or are there more bespoke clubs for hunting?


Many thanks



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Hello manic, if ratting is your aim without breaking the bank a ratcatcher xl will be ideal, good enough for targets at your club too,I dont know what your budget is tho but a second hand s200 would be anothercheaper option than the hw100 s510 etc route, if you want to progress further you will need to upgrade later on tho but as a start its a cheap reliable rifle, then you need to stick a scope on it and decide on a lamp or night vision to see the little sods, I use both and nv is the most effective by far,joining a club is a good idea always there is a lot of knowledge there and usually someone who is able to repair a problem should you have one.good luck what ever you decide

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Good advice above, get down your local club and have a go with as many rifles as you can, work out what suits you and your budget before you buy then put some time in on the range with it and get used to it and you shouldn't go far wrong.

Edited by treecreeper
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