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Chain Saws

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I think that would be £60 wasted to be honest, you should get a little Stihl 170 for around £150ish good little saw for firewood small trees etc

I got a Stihl a husky and an old mcullach from when they were owned by partner all just small saws for firewood etc but all good

Just be careful there's loads of cheap shit out there and also cheap fakes

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OK thanks for advice chaps I'm willing to spend about 250 ,I've tall conifers in my garden its just to keep them under control,as with these high winds I've 2 fourty foot ones come down so I need to get them cut up

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First one I owned was a McCulloch, yellow thing, 1st time I used it the spindle cog drive thing sheared..

Replaced like for like (would of preffered my money back tbh). & had it for maybe 3 years trouble free, cutting up seasoned oak firewood mainly with some light felling, done a few jobs for other people so it payed for itself. When it went pear shaped it was a b*****d to start and I did actually damage my shoulder trying to start the b*****d, I should of chucked it there and then. Replaced it with a stihl ms stihl ms 180c which has been a dream, till I try to replace the pull cord myself LOL... PING... bought a new starter spring and rewound the old one that went ping onto the case that the new one came in. Need a new bar and chain now as im down to the rivets on the chain and almost nothing left to sharpen, ive got another top handled one which a lad sold cheap as chips so couldnt turn it down, proffesional make but cant ever remember it, got some grunt and nice and light. Only advice ill offer is learn how to sharpen the chain (file guide), youll save fuel, stress and your back.

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Ditto comments above. It has to be Stihl or Husqvarna. I tried a DIY store one then a Ricoh. But they were like toys and just not up to anything but branches or very short runs.

I have been using Stihl for the last 3 years. Liken it to having a reliable car. When you turn up to cut a tree down, you need your saw to work.

Been using my Stihl today. now the rain and gales have gone.


Get a usable bar length, mine is 17", use decent chain lube as well. I have a gallon of fuel mixed up in advance in a plastic jerry can. You don't want to be carrying lots of bottles with you and then mixing them up when you are stood amongst trees and stuff. Plus bottles tend to fall over in the car.

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