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It's Worth Keeping Fit...

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So I don't usually post much of what I do on here but this one was quite pleasing...


My brother passed onto to me a decent bit of permission early this year as he was struggling to keep up appearances. Tbh the rabbits and hares aren't particularly hard to keep on top of and the landowner is really sound so for the potential sport of roost shooting, rough shooting and stalking it was worth the effort.


Anyway, after having a chat with the landowner last week now was my time to get out on my long awaited first stalk on this land. Primary target, a young fallow for the table...


I had the day off work and dropped by for the last couple hours of daylight. Getting to the point, I stalked around the top side of a thorn plantation on the side of a small valley in a wheat field. Coming down the back side I heard that familiar sound of deer taking flight, knowing they would come out in the wheat field the other side in the valley bottom I ran like feck back to the top side and got prone and chambered. To my surprise out popped about ten does right where I expected....


I picked out my beast and BOOM!




The shot was the easy part... carrying the uncooperative feck 150 yards to the plantation for galloching, then galloching it in the dark and then carrying it's deadweight half a mile back to the road was 'rewarding'! LOL.


I learnt to appreciate the luxury of dragging and easy access for vehicles! LOL.

Edited by Born Hunter
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At least you had the sense to keep it to one. What a peach of ground to inherit - lucky you and well done on your doe.

I'll only take what I can use. The landowner doesn't see them as a problem so they're purely a sporting and culinary asset. It'd be criminal to flatten them.

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Tell me about it.


All my Roe are on hills, and I`ve dragged 2 does nearly 2 miles back to the motor once. Nearly feckin killed me.

At least you can drag them! I dare'nt on the crops. Over the shoulder and try not to give myself a hernia. LOL


2 miles is a fecking good slog in hill country though. Fair play.


It does kind of make it more rewarding though.... kind of.

Edited by Born Hunter
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I was going to ask you about the gralloching tree you mentioned in a post the other day... Looks like a scene out the Blair Witch Project!

Ha ha ...its in the right place , perfect hight branch and a natural pit behind it ...that the black

& whites and foxes ( they don't control foxes ) empty nightly ....

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