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Should Night Vision And Thermal Imaging Been Banned From Hunting

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As the above says should it be banned from hunting as it is far to easy to hunt with them or should people stick to the good old lamp and battery at least it gives some animals a bit more of a chance when lamping them as sometimes the lamp can make them lamp shy .

What is your opinion on it .?or is it cheating

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JMHO but lads nowadays want instant success instead of learning the ropes first. There's lads nowadays getting their DSC today and shooting their first 12 pointer tomorrow or buying their first lamp

....my only problem with technology is that the vast vast majority of us are sport hunters...yet lot of people us 'pest control' as an excuse for unsporting behaviour. I know so many people who have

Termal imaging is good for counting partridges and catching cnuts with metal detectors like i've been using one for ,our above ground foxes are delt with by NV and a 222.50 and the ones under ground

Its not as easy as you think .


its a lot easier with the lamp at times so should lamping be banned if that's the case


its a lot easier to judge the distance on the lamp than it is with nv a hell of a lot easier i can tell you


so to answer your question NO


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Leave it to every man's conscience, and make an effort to teach sporting ethics.


Imo, they're tools for pest control, tools for a job. For instance I wouldn't dream of using thermal while stalking simply to help spot hiding muntjac. But then ethics are subjective, plenty would consider a rifle unsporting.... plenty would consider lamping unsporting....


Nightvison, ie image intensifiers, are no replacement for lamping imo. They have limited use. Thermal however is a game changer when it comes to vermin control!

Edited by Born Hunter
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Funnily enough I've been out stalking yesterday & today with a mate who brought his thermal imaging kit with him ...its great to be able to see the deer in deep woodland and on the other side of the valley ...the deer in the woodland were still unshootable and the deer on the other side of the valley were just as safe ..even though you know their there you still have to be able to get close enough . Can see it being a useful bit of kit for finding shot animals but it's not full proof and I can't see it replacing a good pair of bins and a dog and field craft ...

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Its not as easy as you think .


its a lot easier with the lamp at times so should lamping be banned if that's the case


its a lot easier to judge the distance on the lamp than it is with nv a hell of a lot easier i can tell you


so to answer your question NO


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

you aint kidding there mac

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JMHO but lads nowadays want instant success instead of learning the ropes first.

There's lads nowadays getting their DSC today and shooting their first 12 pointer tomorrow or buying their first lamp and rifle today and sitting in a pub tomorrow showing their mates the 10 foxes they shot.

There's a very serious lack of fieldcraft nowadays among those who call themselves hunters (and any type of lamping is not hunting, it's pest control).

Hunting is outwitting an animal on it's terms.

Watching quarry go about their business in the only security they have left ,the dark, with an artificial aid could be done by a 7 or an 8 year old.

I'm old fashioned, I don't even like pigeon magnets, LOL, but I do think the man who can outwit one animal by using his senses against that animal's senses is ten times the hunter than the man who catches ten of that animal by basically cheating.

I know pest control must be done but pat yourself on the back if you get a good price for doing the job not because you think you did a good job.

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not just your opinion neil :thumbs: spot on there with all points esp dsc !!!!! "dont go there :angry2::angry2::angry2: "


neil i do foxes for control so need results and use a rifle but given the choice it would be dogged every time


fox finder "they dont get shy if you do the job right first time "

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And just how would such a ban be enforced? All very well but once the Genie is let out of the bottle it becomes somewhat hard to squeeze the bugger back in.


British law is full of unenforceable legislation. Go to any traffic light and see how long it takes before some Twat on a bike decides that the highway code is not applicable to them.


And No

Edited by just-A-snap
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If you want to hunt, then why kid yourself & everybody else it's pest control........just be honest about what you do ffs......



When you start using stuff like that, it's either pest control or you're a greedy cnut......it's not hunting.

Edited by Accip74
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