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So my dogs face swelled up and I was pretty sure it was an infection so I've had him on a course of antibiotics but nothing happened so took him the vets and today he's had an X-Ray and they've said he's got a fractured jaw, it's about half way between his back teeth and his canines.

He will get as long as he needs recovery time wise but I'm just wondering if anyone has a rough idea as to how long until I can run him again? (Not expecting an exact answer just a rough estimate)

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I had a dog that done this, after a head on with a stone wall..


I gave her 3 months off and a soft diet for 10/12 weeks .. No bones or dry buiscuit..


Mine re set by itself - glad It never needed pinned.


It will health but youve got to consider its vulnarable while its fusing..


I kept mine away from other dogs, even rough play will hamper the recovery.

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I had a dog that done this, after a head on with a stone wall..


I gave her 3 months off and a soft diet for 10/12 weeks .. No bones or dry buiscuit..


Mine re set by itself - glad It never needed pinned.


It will health but youve got to consider its vulnarable while its fusing..


I kept mine away from other dogs, even rough play will hamper the recovery.

I just got my dog back from vets and they said it should only take 6 weeks as its part healed already, they've prescribed him a pain killer / anti inflammatory combo. Once that's healed he needs to go back into have a tooth removed which can't be take out now as its right by the fracture and will aggregate it

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