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Quallity Light Break Barrel Springer Custom Tuned.

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I have been thinking about one of these all year and know it will take some time for an order to be completed but before I dive in what are my options ?

I am thinking SFS hw95 or hw99 in .22

I was wondering about weight between both rifles and if custom walnut is lighter.

Both in standard are listed as a similar weight.

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Either the HW99 or the HW95 are great as you no doubt already know. I never thought i'd be leaving my HW97 STL at home when out hunting in favour of any other springer....

but i can carry my HW95K around all day due to it's light weight and be confident in it's stopping power.


Whatever your decision...you'll be a happy man.

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Thanks for the replies.

Just to paint the picture a bit.

I have had a new hw95k and it was great but let my good friend have it and it was in 22 and was sweet to use but wanted to get it tuned to complete the very good package.

I have a hw98 SFS in 177 so there would be no point in getting a hw95 in 177.

So it's between a stage 2 tuned 95 or a stage 2 tuned imp and I am wondering about a few things if I boiled it down Are the imps more pointable and lighter and will the 95 make it's full power easeyer.

Is there any one with both ?

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Thanks guys

If there is no good reason to get a 95 over the 99 then that will be that.

I should take a trip and try a friends imp to see what I am missing, then continue down to order one.

Work is flat out so I may have to do it on the phone with the man himself.

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i have a 95k in .177 from SFS new -untuned to use while they staged 1 my 77k, 2000 rounds later it is the same as when new still loud still snappy loads recoil ,my 77k .177 SFS stage1 is in another world even in standard trim far nicer shoot and better finish by far maybe mine is just a bad one. i also belive extra weight of the 77k helps - unless your a weasel ofcourse

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