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terrier locators

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Just been having a look at possible alternatives which could be used in place of Bellman & Flint terrier locators,does anyone have any experience of using one for terrier work?The reason is ,i ha

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ripstop,if you look thru the posts Matulkoh says you can order an Ortovox dog transmitter on their own,

but not a B&f ,you have to buy collar and box as a set i think.The others can be found on ebay,i would

consider the Barryvox Mammut Pulse transceiever,but aslo the Pieps boxes can be found on ebay too,

just depends what you need,according to Matulkoh and from what i read in the specs they can be worked together.Matulkoh also says during converstaions with B&f they have confirmed their kits will

work with other sets,


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Done a bit of searching myself on this and found a transmitter that barryvox do the S2 see link below. Looks quite a neat transmitter and doesn't sound like it is very expensive!


It also looks like there is another manufacturer out there a french company called Nic-Impex? Couldn't find much on these.






By the way if you look on bellman and flints website they have a parts list and you seem to be able to buy collars and all the spares separately.


Be interested to hear how you go on with this little project.

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Yes i saw that too Leadhed,thanks!As for buying collars separateley from B&F it appears

to be for spares if you've already bought the full setup previously,i know there is an advanced

Pieps receiver as i've seen them on Ebay for cheaper than B&F sell there own for!

I'm in no rush to buy as i'm giving the terrier plenty of time before trying him,so i can

wait for a cheaper alternative than buying from B&F,


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Matulkoh,can you do any repairs or maintenance on the ortovox transmitter,i suppose

if they cannot be disasembled,this would be where the B&F transmitter collar has the advantage

as all parts for these collars can be bought separately,just wondering if the same can be done

with the ortovox,if it fails it would mean buying another collar transmitter?

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at first DSP PIEPS Advancend has an advantage just for alpinists not for terrier work, no y cant repair ortovox, its transmitter, if something go wrong y send it to ortovox company, what can y change on BF, just the cover, not the inside, there s no way y can brake ortovox, plus i made extra plastick cover, so it can be broken just in the case y dog find landmine.

Edited by matulkoh
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Apparently BF have a new collar on trial to replace the existing one thats not as bulky.. it's half the size, in a sealed unit and can be charged up instead of using batteries.. but it's not going on sale till end '08... look forward to blowing a few more quid then..!! don't know what everyone moans about price, if i don't spend my money on my dogs my mrs will blow it on herself... better one bitch than another!!!

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GJ if you have friends with a locator set that you go out with regular,then maybe you could just buy the Ortovox collar for now as their sets should pick up your collar,you'll only need a full setup if going out on your own,the collar is more important for the terrier as you can probably borrow a box,although it's best to have your own full setup/kit,


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  matulkoh said:
by the way as the Stubai came out with DSP Pieps Advanced the older one fell down with the price, what about the price of BF box as it s DSP Pieps box?


they should do somethin according to rising popularity of other transmitters and boxes.


Listen to the man fella's, he aint on commision and is only trying to tell us all there is better and cheaper out there.


I will be in touch in the new year matulkoh :yes:

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  higgins said:
Matulkoh,can you do any repairs or maintenance on the ortovox transmitter,i suppose

if they cannot be disasembled,this would be where the B&F transmitter collar has the advantage

as all parts for these collars can be bought separately,just wondering if the same can be done

with the ortovox,if it fails it would mean buying another collar transmitter?

forty plus £//// for the circuit board,and £18 for the houseing,

aint cheap and th dont last that long.


programed to break down 13 months after the twelve months warrenty

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