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Dave Slieght

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I'd definitely agree with that. I've had three beardie crosses (with and without border blood) and I found them more like my kelpies the more beardie there was in them...or rather... the less border.

Dave can talk but hes always there if anyone needs any advice he as got a choc Kelpie dont know if hes breeding it ive not seen him recently hes a top bloke knowledgeable bloke been around dogs most o

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that! Can I give it some thought and get back to you? It'd have to be on the understanding that there were enough people interested for there to be the need for a

Pm me your name bud ill mention it to him bud

That's ok Stud dog; it was a long time ago now (probably about fifteen years or more as my first kelpie was just a pup and he's just turned sixteen!). I mentioned it to Dave the next time I saw him at a show but I've not seen him for years. :thumbs:


Edited to add: I think the bitch was called Blue.

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Spoken to dave today he's got the choc kelpie at stud if anyone wants to use it he also said if any of you would like to know anything about is dogs an there breeding give him a call is number is on back of last weeks country mans weekly lads A.T.B.

Tell him its about time he wrote a book he could tell some tails from the bad old days.lol
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I've never used mine at stud; I did try mating Old Rusty to a friend's kelpie x collie once but my other bitch was also in season at the time and, for some reason, he didn't want to know but still wanted to mate "his" bitch.


When I bought Rusty it was with the intention of producing a litter of kelpie x sighthounds as I liked the kelpie/collie x greyhound which I bought from Dave so much. However, I gelled with the kelpie temperament so well that I just kind of stuck with them instead. I don't catch anywhere near as much now but I enjoy my walks a lot more than I did...nothing against the lurchers I've owned; I simply prefer the company of my kelpies.


I did a huge amount of research before I bought Noggin (now 21 months old) as I decided I wanted a dog as close as possible to Rusty in character. He's almost a clone of Rusty character-wise though he's physically very different. Rusty is red and tan, 19", c.35lbs and looks like a husky whereas Noggin is black and tan, 22", currently 47lbs (but not quite finished filling out yet) and looks like a slim, prick-eared Rottweiler.


Sorry for moving away from the theme of the thread.

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Would you still be willing to use either of your dog's at stud neal? Always had salukis but kelpie crosses tick a lot of boxes for me, and I dare say I wouldn't find much trouble finding good working homes for the pups



If theres a litter to be bred I mite be tempted myself keep me posted fellas

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that! :icon_redface:

Can I give it some thought and get back to you? It'd have to be on the understanding that there were enough people interested for there to be the need for a litter of pups. It'd have to be Noggin too as Rusty was sixteen eight days ago and can barely scratch his own bum without falling over...but I love 'im. :toast:

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Well...that was a funny coincidence...opened my copy of EDRD which came in the post yesterday to find an article by Dave Sleight with a photo of the bitch I mentioned above. She was called Blue Moon and had a lovely calm temperament; I'd forgotten that she was also Purdey's dam.

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I wouldn't necessarily say that one is better than the other simply different.


In my humble opinion, based on the four kelpies I've had, I'd say that they don't always do "exactly as they're told" immediately and prefer to work off their own initiative. It depends on what I'm asking them to do, and my tone of voice (or panicked yell) but sometimes I'll get an immediate unequivocal response whereas other times they'll stop and look at me as if to say, "Are you sure?" Then, if I ask again they'll say, "Oh, alright then, if you're sure...but don't say I didn't warn you," as they usually know best.


I'm sure I've used this quote on here before but it kind of sums up the stereotypical differences: if you ask a collie to do something it'll do it and ask, "What next?" whereas if you ask a kelpie to do the same thing it'll ask, "Why?"

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