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If You Are On Fb Please Report This

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Most nutters that end up serial killers, rapists, sadists, start on animals from a young age, proven fact, 5 or 10 years down the line one of these c**ts could do your daughter, no sympathy for them a

You would have thought one freak would have trouble even finding one person like himself,4 of them getting together at that age shows what way our society is going.

Agreed with all points.....but....   These name and shame Facebook manhunts are dangerous things...the people who start them are the same unemployed human hating animal rights nutters that would cam

I remember this wrongun that used to hang around with me and my pals in our teens one night started telling us all this "hilarious" story about the time he put a cat in a sack and hit it against a wall til it died. Jesus, the beating he got off the rest of us he's probably still feeling it now :laugh:


Really can't understand how there wasn't even one kid in that group with enough bollocks and morals to put a stop to it.

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Agreed with all points.....but....


These name and shame Facebook manhunts are dangerous things...the people who start them are the same unemployed human hating animal rights nutters that would campaign against you if you got caught running foxes.


How many times have you seen on Facebook a post asking you to help name a dog fighter with a picture of a person or car reg? The only people looking for dogfighters are the police and a Facebook campaign would jeopardise an investigation or prosecution....so who's starting these things? And are the 'suspects' who Facebook says they are...


I'm not defending these lads,what they did or dog fighting for that matter.....just be careful jumping on emotional bandwagons



Im inclined to agree.....i detest all these public appeals like its some kind of half arsed bounty hunter reward from the 1880,s.....even Crimewatch annoys me begging the public to do the police,s job for them !.....police/authorities either need to commit to giving people free reign on delivering street justice......or not show us their faces and do the job themself........playing on the publics emotions is a dangerous game for both offender and detainer.

Edited by gnasher16
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Most nutters that end up serial killers, rapists, sadists, start on animals from a young age, proven fact, 5 or 10 years down the line one of these c**ts could do your daughter, no sympathy for them at all tbh, scum.


I remember one of the first lessons a mentor of mine ever told me "if you're going to kill it, kill it, don't torment anything" iv'e always tried my best to honour that 100%, a life is a life, even a f***ing rat.

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Thats why my first post i said if it is them. Gotta be careful because its as easy as a click of a mouse for some weasel with a problem with someone to stick someone up. Was posters being put up years ago with a photo of a bloke and saying watch your kids as his a convicted nonse. Turnt out it was something to do with his ex and he wasnt any sort of sex case. Lucky though really because could of easily got himself a serious hiding.

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[quote name="Truther" post="4091168" timestamp="144847


I remember one of the first lessons a mentor of mine ever told me "if you're going to kill it, kill it, don't torment anything" iv'e always tried my best to honour that 100%, a life is a life, even a f***ing rat.


The 1st thing every hunter should be taught imho

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To be honest Shroom your point aint lost on me but as i dont know the truth, nor in all honesty will ever find out, i'd rather stay well clear of such posts and dismiss them. I'm on FB and if, as in the past, sommat i can vouch for or know sommat about then i'll report, reply, like or share as i see fit.

In this case, if there is really a case, i'll rather let aleged torcherd dogs lie.

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