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If You Are On Fb Please Report This

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Most nutters that end up serial killers, rapists, sadists, start on animals from a young age, proven fact, 5 or 10 years down the line one of these c**ts could do your daughter, no sympathy for them a

You would have thought one freak would have trouble even finding one person like himself,4 of them getting together at that age shows what way our society is going.

Agreed with all points.....but....   These name and shame Facebook manhunts are dangerous things...the people who start them are the same unemployed human hating animal rights nutters that would cam

Cant understand what goes through someones head to do that. As a kid if me or my mates ever found an animal wed be begging our parents to be allowed to keep it not thinking about doing that. Some of the same mates have gone on to do stuff some would find sick aswell but not even they was this sick. If i had a kid of mine do this theyd be homeless for sure. Ashame they arent abit more local know a few youngsters wholl deliver abit of karma.

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Under the influence of drugs, so fecin what

If you drink drive and hit some poor fecker, you go to jail

So what's the FOOKING diffrence oh I for got its only a dog , so that isn't to bad then !

Them and the judge want putting down

This country is fecked or it will be with these tossers walking the streets

And judges that can't pass down a sentence that fits the crime , waste of time

Rant over

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If that was my dog, I'd show them one or two things about being taken away from home and left somewhere ...


I can never grasp how these crimes are not taken more seriously by the cops , that's not people messing about or playing on , that's the lack o decent f parenting evident by a complete lack of fear of reprisals at home.


If me or my mates did that when I was their age, my mother would have went at me with a brush as soon as the coppers left the door

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Agreed with all points.....but....


These name and shame Facebook manhunts are dangerous things...the people who start them are the same unemployed human hating animal rights nutters that would campaign against you if you got caught running foxes.


How many times have you seen on Facebook a post asking you to help name a dog fighter with a picture of a person or car reg? The only people looking for dogfighters are the police and a Facebook campaign would jeopardise an investigation or prosecution....so who's starting these things? And are the 'suspects' who Facebook says they are...


I'm not defending these lads,what they did or dog fighting for that matter.....just be careful jumping on emotional bandwagons



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