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Bird Egg Collections Wanted

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A very good mate of mine has just started to collect bird egg's and has asked me to try and help him out. He is a full time tattooist so his time is limited to try and source what he needs. He's willing to pay a fair price for the egg's he needs. I've known this lad over 30 years and i'm willing to vouch for him should anything pop up that he's after. He's tried buying from abroad all above board with certificates and paperwork but they have never matieralised once paid for. So if you have surplus egg's to part with drop me a PM and we'll sort something out. Ideally the Yorkshire area but willing to travel for the right things. If need be i'll accompany the lad on the deal to show it's all above board so to speak. Plenty of lads on here know me and know that i'm a stand up guy. All replies by PM please and thanks for looking. atb stabbat

Edited to add. Please don't expect me to deal with you unless you can be vouched for by at least 1 existing member on here who's willing to assure me that you can be dealt with hassle free. It would be appreciated if all eggs are obtained legally(and where neccesary)have the correct paperwork. :thumbs:

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It has been illegal to take wild birds eggs since 1954 and illegal to possess eggs taken after that date under a 1981 act. It is illegal to sell any wild birds egg irrespective of its age. The law is very strict when it comes to collecting birds eggs and the onus falls on the person with any eggs to show eggs in their possession are legally held. So your mate should be looking to obtain collections prior to '54. Or look on eBay for replicas

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  On 25/11/2015 at 15:43, cragman said:

It has been illegal to take wild birds eggs since 1954 and illegal to possess eggs taken after that date under a 1981 act. It is illegal to sell any wild birds egg irrespective of its age. The law is very strict when it comes to collecting birds eggs and the onus falls on the person with any eggs to show eggs in their possession are legally held. So your mate should be looking to obtain collections prior to '54. Or look on eBay for replicas

like it says in the add. so long as the eggs have been legally obtained and have the required paperwork. tbh i know jack shit about eggs unless they are fried or boiled only put an add up to help a mate out. :thumbs:

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