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Banning Semi Autos?

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But it's for our safety CC. Because all these lunatics used legally held firearms, not black market imports and obviously they abide by gun legislation. I'm sure when all the guns are banned then all

What it will do though, is stop the man in France,Belgium, or wherever, defending himself/family with his legally held AR against some mad bast*rd Mussie with an AK, well done EU another bright idea.

They're talking about EUROPE WIDE regulations. NOT IN THE UK You can only have semi auto 22 rimfire here anyway, the rest can still have others (i.e. AR & AK clones). We were stopped from th

They're talking about EUROPE WIDE regulations.


You can only have semi auto 22 rimfire here anyway, the rest can still have others (i.e. AR & AK clones).

We were stopped from those in 1988, courtesy of the PRICK in Hungerford.

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I'm convinced that this proposal will effect the UK shooting community as well....




As said before, it's better to stand together and sign this one i.m.h.o. and NO I don't own a semi automatic rifle of pistol. These proposals won't make the World a better place, would be wiser to intensify border patrols and severe punishment for those who bring in these arms. The existing laws already have enough power to reduce the risk, but when you don't enforce them enough, better checks at the EU borders about who and what is coming into the EU ( Schengen treaty is preventing this now) they simply don't work, and new legislation won't improve that situation.

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Self defence is not a legitimate use for privately owned firearms though, both in Europe and in the UK, however tempting it might be to do this.


Regarding the EU proposals, it wouldn't surprise me if the UK government tried to ban semi auto .22 rimfire now and even semi auto shotguns, whether FAC or SGC.


I have suggested writing to your mps and meps in the other thread about this before any future ban is upon us.

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