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What a toilet that is....i used to go to Rockingham Raceway the whole of that area seemed full of pissed up Jocks and junkies......this was a few years ago mind you so it might of come on a bit these days......but i doubt it.

Edited by gnasher16
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It's a typical industrial town that's lost its industry, that's all ! Like so much of the Midlands and the North, I guess.......


The town centres had a lot of money spent on it in recent years, but the population aren't exactly wealthy, which gives the town an overall 'down at heel' feel to it.......shame really.


Once you go out into the sticks, smashing countryside all round.

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used to knock about with a handfull of corby lads during the rave scene in the early 90's. all used to meet up at "milwaukees" near kettering. they had their own "corby corner" lol. everyone of em was fecking nuts....had some good nights if i remember rightly....tho i don't remember much rightly, if at all from them days...



told ya me memory wern't all that...it was near rushden...

Edited by YOKEL
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You pick some places. Little Glasgow. Stewarts and Lloyds had a lot to answer for. All the Jock shipbuilders having to find new work in the Midlands. Crikey, what a shock that was for a little Northampton town. Any rate on, I digress. The best scrap I had was in the pub on the market square, The best meal totally escapes me and the best night out was back to scrapping again. For saying that, they had a semi good Rugby team, always good for a laugh. Corby, unless things really have changed revolve round that little area called Danesholme. All houses joined to escape the rent man LOL. Get out in the sticks and you'll find some great places.

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