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Sad Films.

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one flew over the cuckoo's nest when the chief lifts the shower thing .... and i wanted to punch the telly when the evil bitch nurse ratched told billy that she would tell his mother after finding tha

Where the red fern grows.

Watership down gets me every time I bought the book about six years ago and still can't bring myself to read it

The Champ

Forgot that one i fecking cry,d all the way home from the pictures


lol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:





But it just go,s to show that we are not the heart less bast***ds the antis say we are we do have feelings



Its in my trigger finger just before it sends the round down the barrel :D


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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I forget what it was called now but it was like the Elephant Man except it was a ginger haired kid....Cher was his mum.............done me up like a kipper that did i had snot and tears everywhere !




:thumbs: brill film :yes:

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I forget what it was called now but it was like the Elephant Man except it was a ginger haired kid....Cher was his mum.............done me up like a kipper that did i had snot and tears everywhere !

I think it's called mask
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I remember as a kid watching the cartoon film 'spirit', one about the horse, me mum got me it for Christmas and me, her and me sister watched it, we where all crying by the end lol and as someone else has said, the pursuit of happiness with will Smith in, that put a lump in my throat

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