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The Uncomfortable Truth..

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It's happening as we speak right here on our own doorstep.

Sturgeon and her supporters, the media and all other associated traitors would have us believe Scotland is rejoicing in taking in the Syrian refugees.

I meet a broad section of society in my daily life, not just close associates where the liberals could argue we all move in the same circles, but a lot of casual contact (more so actually).

I genuinely, genuinely have not came across one single person who supports her views and actions.

On the news etc the impression comes across as the left wing being in the vast majority, not however when you talk to people face to face.

There are more, much more of us than them, time has come to make it known.

do you think the snp will carry as much weight come the next election? ?..I can't see it .I think Scotland got caught up on patriotism in the last election because of the referendum. ?. In the clear light of day I bet there's a fair few scotts now regretting there snp vote

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Paul Nuttall UKIP MEP speaks prior to the Paris attacks last week.  

labour sold out the working man years back ,,,,, blair the war criminal, brown and the anti white british worker johnny the slagg prescott them three paved the way

I honestly think there's something more than the obvious behind all this relocation of people, give it a proper look..........the politicians have never been as unpopular in living memory......we can

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The referendum, labours betrayal of the man in the street, back to back showings of Braveheart all helped their cause, said it on another post somewhere, the snp have shown their true colours, your average Scot voted for them to improve their own lot, not ship immigrants into the country.

The only way the snp will go now is down,

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The referendum, labours betrayal of the man in the street, back to back showings of Braveheart all helped their cause, said it on another post somewhere, the snp have shown their true colours, your average Scot voted for them to improve their own lot, not ship immigrants into the country.

The only way the snp will go now is down,

labour sold out the working man years back ,,,,, blair the war criminal, brown and the anti white british worker johnny the slagg prescott them three paved the way

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They encourage Jews to emigrate to Israel because they're fighting a demographic war with Israeli Arabs, in a few years they'll outnumber the Jews and bang goes their dream of a Jewish state.

Not something i know much about tbh.............but if that boils down to the Israeli's losing through democracy because of numbers i'm not really buying it, they won't give an inch no matter what happens, proved they don't give a shit about world opinion enough by now i would think?

It's something that they really fear, not being a majority Jewish state but yeah I can see them subverting democracy if it comes to that, there's already attempts every election to bar the Arab parties from fielding candidates but the supreme court has so far always struck them down. Definitely see that changing if they posed a real threat though.
the Jews wouldn't give a damp if they were 1% of the vote I read somewhere that they have broke more UN laws than every country on esrth put together lol if they have a suicide bomber they go and bulldoze the family home lol they are just as if not more arrogant and self entitled than the worst Muslims
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They encourage Jews to emigrate to Israel because they're fighting a demographic war with Israeli Arabs, in a few years they'll outnumber the Jews and bang goes their dream of a Jewish state.

Not something i know much about tbh.............but if that boils down to the Israeli's losing through democracy because of numbers i'm not really buying it, they won't give an inch no matter what happens, proved they don't give a shit about world opinion enough by now i would think?

It's something that they really fear, not being a majority Jewish state but yeah I can see them subverting democracy if it comes to that, there's already attempts every election to bar the Arab parties from fielding candidates but the supreme court has so far always struck them down. Definitely see that changing if they posed a real threat though.
the Jews wouldn't give a damp if they were 1% of the vote I read somewhere that they have broke more UN laws than every country on esrth put together lol if they have a suicide bomber they go and bulldoze the family home lol they are just as if not more arrogant and self entitled than the worst Muslims

Bloody good idea, it makes the would be suicide bomber think twice if they know their family will be made homeless by their actions.

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