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Demand For Grey Partridge Poults???

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Certainly a demand for them around here, I usually do a few shoots worth each year, also under broodies, and have had many comments about how the birds are much fitter, stronger, and go better than commercialy reared ones, I could easily do double and have homes for them

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We have a small number on our shoot but have been talking about releasing some more greys next season. Anybody know if they would be kicked out by birds already present holding territories ?

Doesn't seem to be a problem on our shoots, but I would guess that will depend on acreage more than anything.

We had one covey that started as 7 birds, and is almost thirty now so they obviously can get on

Edited by Rabid
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Keeper I help out reared Greys under bantys xs has done ok out of it he's got 50 breeding pairs that gave him good fertility this year 800 poults down on the shoot all seem to have held ok still in there covey but not in one big hit when being pushed through the line. Poults and eggs went like hot cakes that were surplus all over the country . Good luck if your going to do them as they can be quite a nightmare compared to red legs or longtails

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Thanks for the replies lads, call me soft but I think they are a cracking little bird, just wanna do my bit for them, seem to have plenty of lads fighting the red squirrels corner but for some reason the grey partridge doesn't seem to have the same following.... I read that releasing poults with a barren pair is the most successful way? And obviously when it comes to shoots they have to be a viable option, so can greys offer as much sport as there french cousins?

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The shoots i go on have a fine for shooting them,£75 and as much stick from both gun and beating line as you can take :D ,but when numbers get up they are a bird that needs shooting or else your'll get dominant pairs that will demand a bigger terratory each year and push the young stock out.A grand bird to watch a covey of English men over a hedge and burst apart and test the guns and that's from a man who don't like to shoot :laugh: ..

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I love the bloody things, great little bird and I have tried to get eggs , for two yr where I am and I have failed, we just want to get a few breeding pair on the land, we have none on my ground, despite serious time spent on vermin, I think you would be able to move a few on, good luck to you,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great topic what Broodies are you lads using I rear around 200 English each year under Sussex x banties bald feet type I did rear under silkie x old English game but the feet were feathered and smothered a lot of the small chicks in the first few days has any one else had this .  Cheers kev 

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