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If you want to see the future of the uk just look to countries with a higher percentage of Moslems than us, it is never any different they rape murder riot pillage and all the while play the victim ca

What I hate more than anything is native White people who defend them coming and everything they do

There's 3 stages of jihad, stage 1 stealth stage, where Muslims are in small numbers and easily defeated, they say they're peaceful whilst plotting to destroy, stage 2 defense, where Muslims in gre

Feck me that first video is shocking.europe will be ruined in 20 yrs. How many more are.gping to flood into Europe over the coming years.and the poxy politicians are doing absolutely nothing about it.when all the young kids today reach adult hood Europe will be totally different from what it is today.only 1 thing to.do round them all up and feck them back were they came from.

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Wow!!!! Sounds familiar. It's happening exactly like that, right in front of our eyes and we're just going to have to take it!! ???

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There's 3 stages of jihad, stage 1 stealth stage, where Muslims are in small numbers and easily defeated, they say they're peaceful whilst plotting to destroy, stage 2 defense, where Muslims in greater numbers start raping, killing and terrorising, stage 3 offensive, where they purposefully go out to kill, rape murder, pillage and to take over every other country and turn it to shitslam, where no other religions are tolerated, so whatever stage are we at??? I'd say stage 2 is most of Europe, USA stage 1 Middle East stage 3. They play the victim and cry that there being persecuted and start getting support in stage 1. Turning everybody else against each other, exactly like our gov is doing if we speak out against them, it's even in the Quran

Edited by Lenmcharristar
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If you want to see the future of the uk just look to countries with a higher percentage of Moslems than us, it is never any different they rape murder riot pillage and all the while play the victim card, it has worked for them for centuries why would they change now.

If we want a safe future for our children and grandchildren we have to act now, any later will be too late, we need to stop Moslem immigration and then start sifting though the filth already here and deporting them

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Guest ragumup

There's 3 stages of jihad, stage 1 stealth stage, where Muslims are in small numbers and easily defeated, they say they're peaceful whilst plotting to destroy, stage 2 defense, where Muslims in greater numbers start raping, killing and terrorising, stage 3 offensive, where they purposefully go out to kill, rape murder, pillage and to take over every other country and turn it to shitslam, where no other religions are tolerated, so whatever stage are we at??? I'd say stage 2 is most of Europe, USA stage 1 Middle East stage 3. They play the victim and cry that there being persecuted and start getting support in stage 1. Turning everybody else against each other, exactly like our gov is doing if we speak out against them, it's even in the Quran

David woods videos are among the best out there ...
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People are now starting to realise what bleak future lies ahead but it's just to late now, we have to remember aswell that they were invited here and keep getting invited and won't go back now, they breed in a huge way apperantly the Muslim population has almost doubled here since 2001 n that will double again in the next 10 years..

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That video is truly sickening, the Swedish are committing racial and cultural suicide,and the people are just letting it happen fu*king insanity.


You can't blame them,they're being brainwashed from a very early age.


It's probably too late for them now,unfortunately.

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Feck me that first video is shocking.europe will be ruined in 20 yrs. How many more are.gping to flood into Europe over the coming years.and the poxy politicians are doing absolutely nothing about it.when all the young kids today reach adult hood Europe will be totally different from what it is today.only 1 thing to.do round them all up and feck them back were they came from.

f***ing hell on earth shocking events..

Edited by dodger
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