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Whats Up With These Maggies Thin Month There Everywhere You Look

j j m

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well decided to take the prosport 22 to work with me this morning as the last week the maggies have been going daft where im working,7 o clock the first one appeared screaming its head off air arm field to the head,then they appeared from no where i managed to take another 2 while they were looking at there mate lying on the floor,just before i left to come home for my dinner they were re grouping again ,ive never saw as many magpies as this knocking around when its not breeding season what they like where you live

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i know mate i had a black birds nest in my garden ,the maggies were there all the time mate i shot a few but they got the young in the end i hate maggies as much as i hate rats and will shoot them when ever i get a chance

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No nests for them to rob so they come in to towns to rob what ever they can .


Its funny how you can get close to them when you have no rifle at hand some times with in 4 or 5 feet


but they feck off as soon as you reach for your rifle there clever birds are the magpies just like them crows lol


atvbmac no3 :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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