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A friends dog had a cough couple of months ago he went to vet had two courses of auntie biotic it's not kennel cough he said as his other dog doesn't have it , anyway the coughs came back and vet said have to exray and possibly surgery it's like something in the breathing system vet was on about taking out a lung etc anybody heard of anything like this before thanks

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A cough can be from lots of things - mild heart failure causing a bit of fluid on the lungs, cysts on the lungs, fungal infection of the lungs ( won't respond to antibiotics), tumours of the lung etc - without an x-ray and/or other type of checks, impossible to say.


It depends on the dog, and the owner, and the finances ... you could have the x-ray and find it is a small foreign body, easily removed by a small surgery at a reasonable cost - the dog is lovely and worth it. You could decide that money is tight, the dog is lovely, but priorities have to be accepted, and allow the dog to be a pet if it is comfortable with no further investigations, and PTS at the right time if it becomes a real issue. You could spend a fortune investigating the cause, only to find it is a non-treatable tumour and the dog is PTS anyway.


If it was my dog, I'd want at least an x-ray to see what is going on - then take it from there


fingers crossed it is something easy and cheap to fix

Edited by LaraCroft
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Thanks for the reply crofty, had the X-ray today nothing there , the vet asked if it retrieves in water which it does , so she could have gulped some water into her lungs and possibly an infection there , another 180 quid course of anti biotic and X-ray ??

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