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Anybody Here Raising Veal ?

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drainage is the only way to get rid of rushes im afraid mate, as long as the ground is still wet they will return. there are thousands of seeds in each plant and the can lay dormant in the soil for around 70 years.


theres a company in Mayo that does a new type of filtered drainage pipe that works really well in peat/boggy soil. the pipe is more expensive than the normal corrugated pipes but there is no need for any stone with these. so works out about the same price as normal tile drains or a little cheaper. just dig open the trench, put pipe in and close again, really handy.


this is their website http://www.connachtagri.ie/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=1&Itemid=6


here a video of them in action




also if your have a bakery near by, they will have a lot of bread that didnt prove that they need to get rid of, a cheep source of good feed. bakers will only use the best quality wheat.

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Only tried veal twice and it was excellent, both times was abroad aswell, why don't we eat it a lot here?

I work in a place that supplies wait rose with meat and we kill 80 calves a week, Iv got a few nice joints in my freezer now ?
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