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Stade De France - Paris. Shit Getting Real!

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Im well out in the sticks in France, I avoid towns, cities let alone capitals!



Called round a digging mates house last night after work to pick up my dog feed.


His son had gone upto Paris to watch France play, he heard an explosion and though not much of it, until his mum phoned him in panic, to check he was ok! A half hour earlier he had a beer at the same spot the terrorist blew himself up.. shit just got real!


Anyone into their digging books can see the lad in a few photos, he's been coming with us since he was 8 or 9. The lads like family to me.



Another lad I know from working at a music festival, saw The Eagles of Death Metal not that long ago, and one of the bands I roadied for at the festival lost their lighting technician at the gig in Paris.



Going to see a gig at the weekend, only a small city, but.. its going to be their in the back of your mind. I cant not go as ive lent some gear to one of the bands, & it'll be the first gig theyre doing with it.


Been hoping The Stone Roses would drop down to Paris or maybe Barcelona, but I think im gonna feel a lot safer in Manchester.

Edited by Columbo
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Just shows how there tactics get in your head... Me and the Mrs are going to see clutch at rock city next week.. My Mrs had already voiced concerns after Paris..like you say it's always in the back of your mind.

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My wife works at the main European Commission building in Brussels, just down the road from Molenbeek where half of these c**ts are from.............the security forces thwarted an attack on brussels earlier in the year, but it's only a matter of time I think.....


......like you say.....shit getting real!

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My cousin was at the stadium that night with his young son and was locked in there until 2am and my uncle and aunty could hear the bombing and gunfire from their unit. When we could not get through to them by phone and no response to emails I feared the worst... Thankfully all was ok the same can't be said for the 129 victims RIP

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