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Time For Reflection

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With some of the rubbish that is being written on this site by either ignorant, selfish or anti people, it has got me to thinking. We can't just get angry, or be abusive and get on with our business, or just hope these problems will go away.

Surely the future of the sport rests on our shoulders. Maybe we should be doing more to educate those people who don't know better and to help and encourage those who want to work dogs, showing them the right and legal way to do it?

Or am I just living in a simplified dream world, and better to make the most of what we have?

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Fukcing behave saville ..........

The trick with trust is slowly .i like to chat to a lad for sometime before taking them out .Until i get the measure i let them do the talking whereby i can judge them better as most lads love to talk

As a beginner with terriers I have been very fortunate to be able to dig with and ask advise from some very good dogmen that I have only met through thl. I think that if some of the billy big balls ty

I think everyone should be given a chance and anyone who cares about earthwork/ther dogs job owes it to people like mr wade who fights for the cause to try and steer people in the right direction if young people don't get involved terrier work will go stale same as a line of dogs you got to have young ones coming threw no one lives for ever

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As a beginner with terriers I have been very fortunate to be able to dig with and ask advise from some very good dogmen that I have only met through thl. I think that if some of the billy big balls types on here got off the pedestal they have placed their selves on and helped educate the uneducated terrier work would be the n a better state

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With the current public perception of terrier work, the understandable cautiousness of those who work dogs, and the fact that a lot of countrysports groups and associations seem to be detaching themselves from us or viewing us as a poor distasteful relation, I think we should be pro-active. Divided we fall, and it looks like we're on our own hahaha

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  On 17/11/2015 at 23:13, leethedog said:

As a beginner with terriers I have been very fortunate to be able to dig with and ask advise from some very good dogmen that I have only met through thl. I think that if some of the billy big balls types on here got off the pedestal they have placed their selves on and helped educate the uneducated terrier work would be the n a better state

The emptiest can makes the loudest noise, most of the internet experts wouldn't know one end of a terrier from the other.

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I don't think you will ever teach these lads that only do it as a cock extention. The lads that plaster face book with pictures just so there mates will say what a f***ing hero he is.

They don't do it for the love of there terriers or the way of life.

They do it to seek praise. Nothing more.


As most of the genuine lads on here I was taught right from wrong early on. And told of it when I made a mistake or got to big for my boots.


Personally I think the lads with there heads screwed on keep doing what we do. And let the twats in the game self distruct.

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Like Lee has said ,terriermen need to teach .Its no good reaching a smug level and sitting back as if thats it.Far more to give in many cases but trust needs to be in place first . The satisfaction is also without equal after having taught someone ,far better than the momentary joy of having taken the piss on here lol.Its also good for the ego when in turn the pupil teaches a small something to the master .Go on enter a young lad today lol

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it not only terrierman that need to teach but lurcher owners as well, we that work our dogs need to educatie people that it not all blood and gore, we that work our dogs be it terriers or lurchers need to be united I know it hard with a few idots that post on fb.

As foxdropper says bring on a young lad or lass ive added the lass bit .


the young lad that i was teaching is now going to college to study gamekeeping so ive have done something right.

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Not coming from a hunting background, I too was fortunate that a couple of terrier men took a punt, and excepted my invitation. We ended up having a dig that day, to a good old bitch, and the result was one happy farmer. From then on I met some good lads, listened to some sound advice, from people who knew what they were talking about, and the rest they say is history. I shal do the same for someone else one day

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what I will say is on here theyre are some real good men that are willing to help youngsters or newbies . Recently I put a picture up of my nephews first day out on their own rabbiting after moving from the city to the countryside . I was lost for words at the kind comments and the offers of rabbiting equipment books and hunting DVDs all for free by men on THL that know that lads like these are the future of hunting .

Going out with someone new is a strange thing I mean once your sure they're not a under cover anti lol . It's like taking a young dog out some hit the ground running some need more help and some you just don't click with you or you them . In all honesty I personally haven't got much to learn a keen youngster or indeed a keen adult . What I will say I do admire someone new trying to get into the job as it's very hard and take my hat of to them and wish them well .

As to the men on here yeah there's a lot of banter piss taking its just part of it I mean having a difference of opinion causes arguments lol , part of the fun sometimes . There's always going to be those that think they know better that goes for newbies as well as expireinced men lol .

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I've helped a few lads out with dogs over the years,shared my digging perm only to be tucked up,others take you places to use your dogs in places they've never dug,or they've sold on my pups and lied to me,I'm yet to meet any f****r that don't tell porkies or chat shit behind my back,but like a sicker I still help people out.no fuckers ever offer to gift me f**k all,I payed my money and took my chances,and been lucky.bought dogs from big names only for them to deny they sold me a dog after they got in blucks book.lol f***ing unbelievable most couldn't lie straight in bed.the pricks out there that lie about breeding this site full of them and folk stuck up their bums.Is it to much to ask that folk just be straight with you?atb dc

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