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Fac Open Ticket

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If you've got land that is already passed for fac up to .223 , but is spread about a bit ,

What would be the chances of getting a open ticket on first application.?

Or is it pie in the sky

Or do you get all the diffrent land owners to fill the appropriate forums

And fill the fac application accordingly

Not sure which way to go

Any help please



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Does 12 years in the services count moxy ?


You would hope it counted for something mate :thumbs:


A lot will also lie with the issuing force. I know lads with service history who didn't get an open on first grant with west Yorks police, but another lad in similar circumstances did by Teesside? ( I think). And that was up to and including a 223.


Your going to have to go for it anyway. If they do give you an open then the jobs a good un. If not it's the waiting game.

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