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Shit Weather For Shooting

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Morning walk over one permission with my GSP (approx` 3 miles), afternoon walk over another permission (again approx` 3 miles)with my GSP and very little about on both walks.

So cut some camo netting to size and might pass some time attempting to make a home made gillie suit/ smock - size FFB :icon_redface::laugh:

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There's a lovely deep bit of woodland on one of my permissions, I head for when the winds are howling a bit. One inside the cover of trees and foliage the winds are quietened down and the rabbits feed in the lee of banks on forest grasses outside their warrens. That's a good place to be when the winds are blasting over open fields. Pigeons come flying in from the storms and there's always a chance of a squirrel or two.

I love a bit of woodland mootching when the winds are blowing the fields to hell!

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