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Strongstuff ... Some "spare" Gear For Sale ...

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Been having a bit of a sort out of my stock that I had here already made up ... Mostly stuff I'd made through the summer to go to shows with.


The price of brassware has just gone up again, so any new orders will have to reflect this, most of the gear I make isn't far off the same price it always has been for the last few years, this will be the last stuff at the old prices.

All prices are INCLUDING UK postage.

PAYMENT is by either online bank transfer, can be done over the counter at an RBS bank or I also use the Barclays PingIt app, I do NOT use (or ever fecking want to) Paypal, if you have any concerns about my integrity, then simply don't buy my gear.


Unless stated, there is one set of each, in the colour in the photo and description.

Quick release terrier couple and lead set, 1" wide collars and 4 foot lead, this set in brown with olive green middle layer, best quality solid brass fittings £45






Trigger couple terrier collar and lead set, 1" wide collars and 4 foot lead, this set in black with red middle layer, best quality solid brass fittings £45




Trigger couple terrier collar and lead set, 1" wide collars and 4 foot lead, this set in olive green with black middle layer, best quality solid brass fittings £45



Quick release terrier couple and lead set, 1" wide collars and 4 foot lead, this set in royal blue, best quality solid brass fittings £45





1" wide, terrier collar and 4 foot lead, brown with olive green middle layer, best quality solid brass fittings £25


1" wide terrier collar and 4 foot lead in black, with genuine STAINLESS STEEL fittings £25




Tapered lurcher collar and 4 foot lead (neck size 15 - 20"), collar is 2" at wide part and 1" strap, D and buckle, lead is 3/4" wide, colour is black with brown middle layer, best quality solid brass fittings £30



Tapered lurcher collar and 4 foot lead (neck size 15 - 20"), collar is 2" at wide part and 1" strap, D and buckle, lead is 3/4" wide, colour is black with red middle layer with Wales flag on collar, best quality solid brass fittings £30





Contact is by either PM on here or email, strongstuff@hotmail.co.uk

Please note though, it should only take 1 or 2 emails to sort out, I am not looking for penpals.


Please make sure you have read all the description before you ask a question.


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  On 16/11/2015 at 18:02, Strong Stuff said:


  On 15/11/2015 at 21:16, Strong Stuff said:

Black/brown lurcher collar and lead sold.

Black/red collars, couples and lead sold.

Black/Red Lurcher collar and lead with Welsh flag now sold too.

Brown/olive Q/R set now sold :)


Will update thread with some more pics of other available gear tomorrow :thumbs:


Thanks to all who have bought gear so far, much appreciated.

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