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Beartrap On Tx200Hc .177 Just Saved Me!! Warning

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I went into a new gunshop having a look for a TX200 and they had a new one .22 (bit pricey) which I wanted. And a 2nd hand one scoped up at a great price! In .177. So I ponder for a few minutes and ask to put a few pellets through the .177 nearly already committed to buying it.


Anyway, 1st shot fine (love that trigger!!)

Second shot fine

Third reload and I catch the under lever fully loaded luckily as I release the bear trap. Try it again, cock it same thing. Gun guy says I'm gonna save you, and take this off sale. It's faulty.


I said thanks, you saved me from buying a .177 there!!! Haha

But lovely gun! Omg

So pick up the .22 on monday

Edited by Zimpara
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When I say the bear trap saved me, I mean it was broken and saved me from buying the .177 ;-)


Basically, when you pressed the bear trap to release the cocking lever after loading a pellet. It would come under spring tension and decock the rifle.


I haven't seen the walthers. It's gotta be a TX mate! ;-)

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LOL I can miss the point sometimes. When I was looking to get back into it I was not taking into account the passage of time.

What I mean by that is I used a .22 bsa back in the day. I went ahead and got a hw77 in .22 and am very pleased with it and it's a life long keeper. Thing is that I have got up to speed with what is what through this forum the internet, utube, practice and shooting with other people and using lots of different rifles and now for me I can make informed choices with ease. The 22 and 177 thing rests easy with me but will stay as the most contested subject on forums.

I was sure the AA pro sport was for me but could not get away with it.

The TX 200 is a great looking rifle that could be your for ever keeper as the 77 is for me.

Walnut stock in .22............. real nice.

When I was looking I noticed there were a few with faded bluing at the end of the barrel, not sure if they had been used in the rain and not oiled.

good luck with your search.

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