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Multi Gyms

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i am considering buying myself a multi gym just after xmas and was wondering if any of the lads who lift weights could either recomend a good value for money multi gym or advise me on what the better makes are if any.


i aint looking to bulk up my plan is just to do light weights but loads of reps along side a few miles a week running. is it a case of any old cheap gym will do as ive seen them from £180 at argos or will i benefit more from spending decent money on one.

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I had a York multi gym..


I've had a bench too..


I started off well and they started hanging shirts off it lol..


Found it more sustainable going to gym. The multi gym took up some floor space - bench easier to store.


You coulad do a fair bit with bells and a bar.. I found I didn't have enough weight for dead lifts - squats.

Edited by Giro
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  On 10/11/2015 at 18:12, tandors said:

Lighter weights with higher reps generally builds size more than a high weight low rep program will. A power rack, Olympic barbell and plates would be my recommendation.

I'v always trained the complete opposite! lower reps with heavy weight nice and slow for mass then high reps lighter weight still nice and slow for definition.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 19:25, j1985 said:


  On 10/11/2015 at 18:12, tandors said:

Lighter weights with higher reps generally builds size more than a high weight low rep program will. A power rack, Olympic barbell and plates would be my recommendation.

I'v always trained the complete opposite! lower reps with heavy weight nice and slow for mass then high reps lighter weight still nice and slow for definition.


thats baisically my understanding. light waits plenty of reps for defination basically i am just wanting to put my body into shape.

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I think the most important thing to gain strength or size is to have a good spotter and train to failure then do a couple assisted reps on your last couple of sets

I see so many young lads doing their 8 or 10 or whatever they've been told then putting the weights down before breaking a sweat, just adjust the weight be it up or down so you fail between 6-12 reps

But you will hear a different way to train from every person you speak to and they all know best?

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