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Ex Soldier Arrested

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I personally don't think it helps that the grinning faces if Adams and McGuinnes are always on the telly, you see them living the charmed life of the politicians.   Everybody and I mean everybody kn

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This is not right ,when we have the two biggest Irish murders in parliament those scumbags, Adams and McGuiness http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-34775466 F*** the ira


I agree with you on Adam's and mcguinniss but if the soldier shot someone when he shouldn't of then fcuk him he deserves what he gets

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ive always said it, how come adams n mcguinness want full pardons and early release for pows, then keep pushing for investigations for the army???????? double standards, this lace is getting worse from the ceasefires, all the anti human life, anti world, anti hunt, pro gay movements are starting to get up n going. this place wont get any better until it lets go of the past

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This is not right ,when we have the two biggest Irish murders in parliament those scumbags, Adams and McGuiness http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-34775466 F*** the ira


I agree with you on Adam's and mcguinniss but if the soldier shot someone when he shouldn't of then fcuk him he deserves what he gets


He his a soldier after all ,thats what he does when fitting the enemy

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One question.......why?

The government needs their f***ing head looked at to allow all this to be raked up........nobody wins !

Much as I'd like to see the people responsible face justice I think I have to agree with this, there's no sense in ripping open old wounds now with how far the peace process has come. It's not like those who gave the orders would ever be held accountable anyway.


(That's it I really will be disowned if my family ever read this forum :laugh:)

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