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Anyone Know Much About Bullmastiffs?

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Thats why i liked what you said about the dogs being able to switch off. The owner who just wants a man biter must be quite insecure and paranoid. If in a lifestyle where your that paranoid you might want to change careers lol. Even a single bloke upto no good will meet normal people and have family visit ect. Dog sounds like a problem rather than something id be proud to own.


Kc neo down from hunter kennels stuff? He had some good looking neos which didnt look over the top.

The Dam to my young bitch is a Hunter kennel neo.
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Hmm I wouldn't say straight bull mastiff myself, she's got the markings, but her head looks boxer like?!? That said, I'm not all that clued up on these breeds. Nice bitch nonetheless

The group of lads I train with try to put our dogs under different types of mental stress and pressure whilst doing protection work ie smoke bombs,chainsaws/leaf blowers revved in their faces,working

We've got a couple of venues that we use but my favourite is a disused nightclub in East London where our main decoy sometimes does night security to stop people getting in and squatting as this ha

I used to have a bullmastiff years ago. Took it lamping once. f****n thing was as fast as a whippet in a straight line but turned corners like a f****n tractor. Spent most of the night laughing at it but f**k me it caught one, the rabbit ran straight into it virtually. One of the funniest nights ive had lamping.

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Is that a press neo cross king?

He looks about double the size of the opera department press scenarios from the canary islands. The loose skin around his face looks very Neo like. Would be an awesome combo.

I'm not sure to be honest mate. The lad I had him from told me him and a few friends had imported them.i can't remember were he said from now though.

I had another pressa bitch from Yorkshire from a pup. but it was very unsteady at about 8 months old it lost the head with my staff bitch.it was easily twice her size.

They were going at it in the back yard.the wife had to phone me in work to come home.the yard was red with blood both bitches full of deep puncture wounds and a few slashes a few inches long. But the staff bitch held her own against the pressa.i got rid of the pressa then mate as I had kids in the house.

The pressa bitch was allways in the run or kennel never in the house.

You would look it in the eyes and just see nothing but coldness.

A pic of the staff bitch.holly.


Edited by King.
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I don't think it's got anything to do with over popularity or bad breeding with the pressas.From what I've seen including some apparently very well bred dogs in the hands of some very experienced handlers/trainers they are just bad c**ts that want to do anyone.

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I used to have a bullmastiff years ago. Took it lamping once. f****n thing was as fast as a whippet in a straight line but turned corners like a f****n tractor. Spent most of the night laughing at it but f**k me it caught one, the rabbit ran straight into it virtually. One of the funniest nights ive had lamping.

My bullmastiff x was the same, shockingly fast in a straight line but turned like a fecking barge :laugh: he loved to bush too would crash through cover like a spaniel

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I don't think it's got anything to do with over popularity or bad breeding with the pressas.From what I've seen including some apparently very well bred dogs in the hands of some very experienced handlers/trainers they are just bad c**ts that want to do anyone.

That cant be right.......theres no bad dogs just bad owners......didnt you know that :whistling:

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Presas built the same as an american bulldog? Or are they taller and heavier? Seems alot of different types online, never seen one in the flesh. Some look short and stocky whilst others look like big pitbulls. Only ask how they compare to an american bulldog as i owned one. Not seen many breeds in the flesh. Old area was fat staffs never walked with names like gucci owned by someone who shops in primark lol. Around here its mainly handbag dogs with the odd pet breed.


Bet hunter kennels neos are huge in the flesh. Used to speak to him on another forum and his dogs looked much better than the state of some of the show dogs. He always come across as someone with a passion for dogs rather than trying to earn a pound note. Also had a huge boerboel called saint, was first time id heard of the breed when he posted it.

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Presas built the same as an american bulldog? Or are they taller and heavier? Seems alot of different types online, never seen one in the flesh. Some look short and stocky whilst others look like big pitbulls. Only ask how they compare to an american bulldog as i owned one. Not seen many breeds in the flesh. Old area was fat staffs never walked with names like gucci owned by someone who shops in primark lol. Around here its mainly handbag dogs with the odd pet breed.


Bet hunter kennels neos are huge in the flesh. Used to speak to him on another forum and his dogs looked much better than the state of some of the show dogs. He always come across as someone with a passion for dogs rather than trying to earn a pound note. Also had a huge boerboel called saint, was first time id heard of the breed when he posted it.

you got the link to the forum , I was on there but my comp went down so lost my pass words, ive spoke to him before , but not sure if he still runs the site, send me a pm if you want .!

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Hi mate, werent the mastiff forum he was on. This was one for all breeds type thing but shut down years back. Not sure if his on any other boards but sure someone will know.

thanks :thumbs: yeh it went down, I liked the alano 's and he bred them, but from good dogs, was on his site (working mastiffs) but as said my comp went down and lost lot of pass words, I was on there ? but feck knows how to get back on ? anbody got a link or I could contact him I know he was up London way that's all I knew. :yes:

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Hi mate, werent the mastiff forum he was on. This was one for all breeds type thing but shut down years back. Not sure if his on any other boards but sure someone will know.

thanks :thumbs: yeh it went down, I liked the alano 's and he bred them, but from good dogs, was on his site (working mastiffs) but as said my comp went down and lost lot of pass words, I was on there ? but feck knows how to get back on ? anbody got a link or I could contact him I know he was up London way that's all I knew. :yes:



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Hi mate, werent the mastiff forum he was on. This was one for all breeds type thing but shut down years back. Not sure if his on any other boards but sure someone will know.

thanks :thumbs: yeh it went down, I liked the alano 's and he bred them, but from good dogs, was on his site (working mastiffs) but as said my comp went down and lost lot of pass words, I was on there ? but feck knows how to get back on ? anbody got a link or I could contact him I know he was up London way that's all I knew. :yes:


:hmm: nobody then ?


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