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Jsb Exact Express/jsb Exact Rs .22

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I might send my 4 tins back to H&N they have really gone bad. I have an old tin that groups excellent but trying the new tins and they are all over the place 1" groups at 20 yards vs JSB jumbo exacts and AA fields which are basically going through a pellet size hole.

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Gave the falcons a try but they are no good in my rifle. At 30 yards they will put in a excellent group but every 5th or 6th shot will fly off 2 inches. I sized some down to a uniform 5.51 and the flyers went but who wants to be sizing all your pellets. No match for Jsb jumbo exacts or AA fields. Even Rws super-h-points could group better at 30 yards as did Rws superfields.


One thing I did notice with the falcons was the poor quality they are a fragile pellet that seems to be easily damaged in all the the best environments. I have x4 tins so will size them all down just to use them up and just use them as my close range ratting pellets. But JSB jumbo exacts in 5.52 are the No1 pellets in my hw100kt .22.

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Did you clean the barrel first then put about 50 through ?


Yes I vfg'd the barrel until it was clean I then put x3 mags straight into a backstop. I then started to zero which was about one mag. So I started to group test after about 56 shots. It looked very good until the flyers started every 5 or 6th shot. I then left it over night as sometimes you can be having a bad day. Shot number 1 the next day missed by 2 inches and when the pellet struck the crosshairs were still on the bull. This was off a bipod rested. I reckon I used about 250 pellets in total to test.


I then cleaned the barrel and tried Jumbo exacts and no flyers and straight on form after 8 shots. I then tried AA fields and they were the same. I then followed with RWS super-h-points which were also on the money.


I think the skirts are to weak, and the pellets are to fragile. They do group when sized which makes me think its a skirt issue as the sizer does not touch the head size but makes the skirts uniform in size.


Shame really as they were very flat shooting.

Edited by Gary73
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Gary before you give up on the Falcons, or any others, give the back of your magazine a very light spray of oil as the 100`s O ring around the magazine benefits from it and pellet loading/seating improves according to Mc Avoy Gunsmiths and so will the groupings.














(here we go again) :whistling:

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I thought of that and took the o-rings off both mags and put some waterproof silicone grease on the o-rings. I also tried lubed and unlubed with napier. Nothing stopped the flyers other than reducing skirt size.


I think the fragility of the skirt and the choke interaction is the issue. All barrels being different and chokes varing could be the key.



My rifle prefers real 5.51 and smaller head size's and medium stiff to stiff skirts. Jsb jumbo exacts in 5.52 seem to measure under 5.51 head size in real terms and the skirts are more substantial than Falcons and AA fields. RWS have skirts that are to stiff which rob effciency and H&N head size is to big in 5.53 and the skirt is to stiff.

Edited by Gary73
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Can I just ask, how often are you putting spray oil on the magazine back and silicone grease on the 'O' ring. I had an issue with my RM8 but didn't know the HW could have similar issues. Oh yes, which spray oil do you suggest, I have some Napier Power Airgun Oil, would that do.



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