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Mooch About For A Few Hours This Morning

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had my mate round last night saying he was off work today and did i fancy going ferreting (of course) so i dropped my daughter off at school and off we went we took 3 ferrets my jill and my mates 2 young jills we also took my bull x lurcher and my mates whippet x we went on my mates bit of permission first its only a few fields but has a few rabbits on first set we tried was about a 3 holer but its covered in brambles and sticks to much hassel to net so we put my jill in this one and covered this one with the dogs this was my dogs first time out ferreting so he didnt really know what was going on at first anyway the ferret ran the set but nothing was at home so we moved to the next set and the farmer had been round cutting all the brambles back which had revealed a set that we didnt know was there this one was well kicked out so we put my jill in and i sat at one end of the set with my dog and my mate was at the other with his dog after a short while the rabbit bolts with the ferret still attached then makes off across the field we both slip our dogs mine snatches at it and misses it but turns it into my mates whippet 1 rabbit in the bag we move on and try a few more holes but nothing at home so we deside to move to another place its quite a walk up on to the fell but theres alot of rabits there anyway we try a few sets out in the open but nothing at home its same old story with sets thats in the open round here they never hold any rabbits they always seem to be in the bloody prickly bushes. we moved further round and tried a sett in the bottom of these winney bushes just a small 4 holer but it looked really clean we put one of the ferrets in and stood back with the lurchers and it wasnt long before a rabbit bolted the dogs chased it but it got to cover before they could get to it then another bolt and runs up the hill the dogs just narrowly miss this on as it drops to ground with nothing more in this set we move to where the rabbit had gone what we thought was a one holer but we were soon to be proved wrong we put my mates youngest jill in it was in about 1 min and the rabbit bolted out of a hole in a small bush about 20 feet behind me i slipped my dog it had a good course down the banking but it made it to cover before the dog could strike we desided to call it a day after that as i had to be back to pick my daughter up from school it was an enjoyable few hours and hopefully my dog will sharpen up a bit after a few more trips out sorry theres no picks but its been raining all day and desided to leave the camera and phone in the car. thanks for reading SR.

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