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Whos Got All Their Own Teeth?

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ive had one out, dentists around here are a bit too quick to pull them when you have an abcess, ive still got 2 teeth a dentist wanted to pull 9yrs ago cos i had a pregnancy related abcess and they still function perfectly well lol... no way was i going to lose my 2 bottom front teeth at 21 willingly

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Lost my front one at around 20, ended up with a tooth on a plate. It wasn't the best of fits, and would occasionally slip a bit. We was in a fancy hotel up town one night, me my brother and a mate,

Still got most and actually enjoy going to the dentist. Had them cleaned last week by the hygienist and she just about makes my trousers twitch so it's win win ??

Sitting in the pub one morning one of the ol' boys took a pinch of snuff. He started sneezing and his glass eye shot out and landed in his pint. Another ol' boys down the bar laughed that much his d

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Lost one of my side ones to a stray boot in the ruck...just cracked it and it split a few weeks later when I was eating something. Had to go to the jaw-hauler to get the stump out, took 2 of them, I have fused roots on my teeth, comes out like an elephants tusk....one lad was behind me holding onto my napper and the dentist was kneeling on the arms of the chair with a set of pliers that he got out the 'special' cupboard, honest, looked like a set of 3 foot stihlsons my old man used at the plumbing......I can still hear the cracl inside my head when he finally got the fekker oot...

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  On 08/12/2015 at 01:11, jonah. said:


  On 07/12/2015 at 15:53, neil cooney said:

Sitting in the pub one morning one of the ol' boys took a pinch of snuff.

He started sneezing and his glass eye shot out and landed in his pint.

Another ol' boys down the bar laughed that much his dentures went flying across the bar and into the sink.

I wish I had been in the pub then.



I gave the same ol' boy a lift to the shop one day and his glass eye popped out and landed on the floor of my van.

Now, the floor of my van is covered in magpie and crow feathers, squirrel and fox fur, mud and blood but he just popped the eye back in, no bother.

I hadn't the heart to tell him.

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  On 08/12/2015 at 11:35, Wullz said:

Lost one of my side ones to a stray boot in the ruck...just cracked it and it split a few weeks later when I was eating something. Had to go to the jaw-hauler to get the stump out, took 2 of them, I have fused roots on my teeth, comes out like an elephants tusk....one lad was behind me holding onto my napper and the dentist was kneeling on the arms of the chair with a set of pliers that he got out the 'special' cupboard, honest, looked like a set of 3 foot stihlsons my old man used at the plumbing......I can still hear the cracl inside my head when he finally got the fekker oot...

I had the same when had mine out, assistant had her knee in my chest and holding my head to the chair while dentist was yanking to stop him lifting me out the chair. They packed it to see if it needed stitches and sent me back to waiting room and a woman seen the blood, fainted and fell off the bench ?

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