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Whos Got All Their Own Teeth?

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Lost my front one at around 20, ended up with a tooth on a plate. It wasn't the best of fits, and would occasionally slip a bit. We was in a fancy hotel up town one night, me my brother and a mate,

Still got most and actually enjoy going to the dentist. Had them cleaned last week by the hygienist and she just about makes my trousers twitch so it's win win ??

Sitting in the pub one morning one of the ol' boys took a pinch of snuff. He started sneezing and his glass eye shot out and landed in his pint. Another ol' boys down the bar laughed that much his d

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Missing one.. Pretty lucky with mine decay wise, some people seem to have genetically strong teeth and don't suffer. Think I'm one of them, if it wasn't for the wear on them due to various things over the years they'd be in really good nick.

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Simon Cowell im not but all things considered ive been quite lucky with the ol choppers ive got a few missing and a few chipped and generally mangled but no decay that i know of....morning and night for me ;)

That's the thing though Gnash, I brush mine regular now but have always had a sweet tooth and didn't really look after them as a kid. My cousins old man was strict as hell with them and their teeth but they've all suffered terribly with theirs as kids and adults. Like I say, I reckon a fair bit of it is genetic. :yes::thumbs:
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48 and have em all. Only two fillings so far and was at the dentist last Monday for the first time in two years and got the all good... Of all the things that could happen, losing my teeth would be tragic, i've always had a fear of that. How the feck i've not lost any i really dont know, as they've taken some stick but their like fecking gravestones so...

Me Mam has almost all her's and she's just hit eighty, so if i get anywhere near that with mine i'll be happy.

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Was doing well until a few weeks ago.... bloody pistachios. Lost half a front when i was a kid by stopping a tennis racket!? but had a good cap and a straight smile, but bust the cap the other week, cap lasted 20 years so.. cant complain too much, but I aint alf got a funny lisp now though LOL

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Had 2 fillings yesterday popped old one out flossin day before... 8 f***ing injections to go numb!!! Started round the tooth and ended up big needles up the back me jaw 1 hour n 20 i was in chair ..dont mind it though had em all cleaned too she said gotta start keeping em better, 2 fillins and one lost so far ..28

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Can get them dental implants that they screw in and look good. If i lost my teeth id have them. No doubt you can pay off monthly but tbh money wouldnt be an issue not a chance id have gums and look like a crack head lol.

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Lost my front one at around 20, ended up with a tooth on a plate.

It wasn't the best of fits, and would occasionally slip a bit. We was in a fancy hotel up town one night, me my brother and a mate, I was chatting up this bar maid and it seemed to be going pretty well ( in my head anyway lol), messing about my brother hits me on the back of the head, with that my false tooth comes flying out of my gob straight over the bar right at this bird, she screams and jumps on the side like there's a mouse on the floor, or something.. My brother and my mate are on the floor with laughter, I ask politely " can I have my tooth back please".

I shit you not, she picked it up between 2 straws and dropped it in my hand lol... Suffice to say i didn't pull her lol..


When I first got with my wife I kept it a secret for a while, we'd go out for something to eat and I had to go to the toilet to clean the plate, she'd stay round and I'd keep the tooth in all night, it was heave in the morning when she's go so I could take it out lol..


It's on a proper bridge now and looks pretty smart, it's cost a few bob over the years, the joys of acting a twat when your younger lol

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