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Re Applying For A Shotgun Certificate

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Well where do I start. I held my 1st certificate at 17yrs old. And following the death of my brother after his battle with cancer my whole family went a bit funny and we argued alot. Before 1 year had past i left my family home to set up hime with my partner and new baby boy. This seemed to put my family in a tight spot as i did all the house work cooking repairs and dog walking etc. Because they had to pick up the jobs i used to do tempers flared abit. But i was only 19 trying to keep my job and look after my family and still be there for my mum, siblings and grandparents. However a slight arguement over £50 i lent my mother got out of hand and after they attacked me ( several people on me ) i was then arrested. After an hour in the cell i was told i would sign a document stating this was a family disagreement and police shouldnt have been called. I then asked if i need to notify my FEO and was spoken to like unsavoury on the bottom of a shoe. I was then quistioned about it all then released on bail. Although i denied charges of assualt i had to accept them because i was also charged with failing to comply with terms of shotgun cert ( notify change of address) i was given the option of deny all or accept all. Which i later learned is not striclty legal. However being guilty of the later i accepted. I later had my cert revoked and gun taken. It has now been several years and i am wanting to re apply for a cert. The only police contact i have had has been to do with my nutty neighbour accusing me of all sorts of things. I have assisted the police with any quistions and offered inspection of my home. I now have a local pcso who has assured me this is all breakdown of communications but he is now looking into their use of drugs and occupants of the household for tax dodging benefit fraud reasons. The pcso now stops in occasionally and has a cup of tea and we talk about the neighbourhood and my gardening as we have a common interest. How will all this look when i re apply. Thank for reading hope someone can shed some light

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