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Tallest Lurcher.

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My mate max hardcore on this site had a big dog called dexi,,around 30 inch..

On this pic he's in the middle with the light coloured combat jacket ,,,you can see the dog towering over his siblings,,,I'm fith from right bald head,,,my bitch looks like she's sniffing my crotch ,,lol,,she was 26 inch,,,same littercoursingpics013.jpg

From a distance you look like phill Mitchell tomo lol.bloody hell max hardcore ain't small himself tomo. How did Dexi work what's the turn like on such a big dog tomo.

I only sore him run a few times,,but he killed ,,if my memory serves my right,,,I'm sure the first time he went on the fen,,he had 3 runs and killed two...

But it was a long time ago , max will no better

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Head like a teddy bear nans pat lol.

My mate had a deerhound collie grey but it threw back to the deerhound totally, 30'' tts absolute animal on fox pre ban of course, he pick his fox up in the air as if it were nothing when shaking, he caught a few bunnys but it was the bigger stuff he excelled on

I bet that's some sight teckers feck it must be like walking around with a Shetland pony on the lead lol.

my dog Buck 1x gsd x grey 28in 86lb and solid it, he never had any probs picking up rabbits, his last bag was 36 in the lamp,his size and strength is deff a plus some nights on a long hard night, ive always said he fast agile for a lump lol . and pre ban i think he give good show on day time hare, ok he prob wouldnt catch it , but that would only be because he run it like a rabbit trying to strike to quick and not sit back with the hare like good hare dogs do . funny thig is he never looked over lanky to me like some tall dogs do, he looks balanced to me like bryn is just a bigger version and bryn 25in

Any pics of Buck bird. 86lb is some weight. When my bull X pup runs past close you can feel the ground pounding. But 86lb running past close must be like a small earthquake lol


you deff dont want him run into you, he would wreak you lol, but as said he deff agile dog for that size, he really is, he picks rabbits up no prob .this x were popular a big deer and fox dogs, but still get good bag of rabbits no prob, he great nose as well he marks great . if you wanted a dog that would fill your freezer this is it . :yes:there few pics on here of him, my comp down all my stuff on there ,using my wifes L/T there few recent ones of him some where on here..!

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Had a 3/4 grey 1/4 deerhound and it was proper throw back, well over 100lb lol and 33 ats, I'll find a pic later when kids in bed lol but they been on here before

That should of had a saddle on it for the kids to go around the garden on

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