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Organ Donation

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Fair point mate, i did say that, but not intended as you're reading it, i couldn't let people (some people) die if others we're prepared to donate organs to save them, that's their choice, like not donating is mine. My point is a lot of it could be avoided in the first place, it will be eventually, things never stay the same with human thinking, we're in a period of plenty, and have the options to squander things, it wont last forever.

Fair enough fella.


I think it's a bit sad that you wouldn't donate your own organs to save a couple of young children from losing their father or a young woman from loosing her new husband but you would accept donated organs to save yourself, missus or children.


Like I said earlier it seems like you want the best of both and that's not very fair.


But hey. We are all different.


All the best buddy.

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Can take what they want from me when ime gone if it helps some one else to live not a problem

I read up about this before. I can see where you're coming from but that many people don't go on the list not because they don't want to donate it's because they never bothered, forgot, on the list of

It is a good idea all ways wanted to do it but some how for some odd reason couldn't put pen to paper now I don't have too and the wife knows I am up for it. When you see little kids in hospital waiti

"I'll opt out when it comes to England, not donating/not receiving is fair enough"


You must have missed that bit mate, or not understood it? I'll opt out even if it means i'm not eligible to receive myself. What my kids do is out of my hands, they're adults now, i think two of them are card carriers? I would get tested and donate to family and friends, been tested once already, but donating at random could and is likely to go against my beliefs, not religious beliefs :laugh:

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"I'll opt out when it comes to England, not donating/not receiving is fair enough"


You must have missed that bit mate, or not understood it? I'll opt out even if it means i'm not eligible to receive myself. What my kids do is out of my hands, they're adults now, i think two of them are card carriers? I would get tested and donate to family and friends, been tested once already, but donating at random could and is likely to go against my beliefs, not religious beliefs :laugh:

I know its your decision but when push comes to shove and u do need a organ and your kids are crying because your going to die and not see your grankids grow up etc you would take a organ 100% . If not then its a harsh choice

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"I'll opt out when it comes to England, not donating/not receiving is fair enough"


You must have missed that bit mate, or not understood it? I'll opt out even if it means i'm not eligible to receive myself. What my kids do is out of my hands, they're adults now, i think two of them are card carriers? I would get tested and donate to family and friends, been tested once already, but donating at random could and is likely to go against my beliefs, not religious beliefs :laugh:

I know its your decision but when push comes to shove and u do need a organ and your kids are crying because your going to die and not see your grankids grow up etc you would take a organ 100% . If not then its a harsh choice



I'll tell you this mate, as above, even if it means i cant get an organ in the future, i will opt out when they change the rules in England, you have my word on that. They own my life, my money, make rules i don't like, basically f**k me over at every twist and turn, and to much other shite to mention. Now they want to own my body, use it for spare parts if they get the chance, and they decide who gets the spare parts, and decide i'm clinically dead, not f***ing likely mate, i'll take my chances.


I'd be gutted if my corneas helped someone to read a koran, or my heart helped someone attend an extremist march, i'd donate to family/friends, and wouldn't hesitate to save a British child if i could, but its not an option if you don't opt out.

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I cannot believe anyone would want to opt out if the rules were changed

It basically saying to someone here is something I don't need it could save your life....but f**k you id rather you also die

I don't believe pressure should be put on people in some kind of NHS engineered national guilt trip.....that's bollocks!

Someone family may not be to happy at the idea that their dearly loved and departed child/father/mother etc is chopped to f***ing bits on a slab so that their bits can be distributed around.......anyone thought of that?


The government want to get all the wog hospital cleaners doing their f***ing job properly so folk don't keep kealing over with MRSA whenever they go to have an in growing toenail removed before they start lecturing people on the morality of organ donation ;)

Edited by WILF
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i had a night with a charming young lady i met in a pub...next day i went to the doctors you know get checked out like ;)

i said "whilst ime hear" do you have a donation card application form?

he says " ohh lad i dont think any one will want that" :laugh::laugh:

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So what you're actually trying to say, in a long winded way, is that you are all for organ donation as long as it doesn't help a Muslim, Indian, Paki or other similar brown person. Haha.


There's plenty of white muslim converts mate, no doubt some will need transplants at some stage. But its not just that, as Wilf says they could do a lot more to improve health in general, clean the place up, agree to a sugar tax, ban f***ing tobacco, close all the Mc Donalds...ect, stop people carrying genetic faults breeding, or limit them to one child...........but no mate, their answer is to guilt trip everyone into allowing their organs to be used for spare parts to prop up their failings............Just state control.

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I would be happy for my organs to go to save any life anywhere and to anyone, anything else it complete bollocks, truther would you deny this child a transplant




There's some very sad stories out there, als and some pretty sad excuses for human beings about here.

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As much as I'm usually against the state sticking their nose into my business I do accept that it's part and parcel of living under the protection of a government....


This is one of those situations which I would support. It does not infringe on any of my freedoms. It still allows me full freedom to have whatever I want done with my body after death. It forces people to make the decision rather than ignore it, the consequences of ignorance now being positive (lives saved) rather than negative, which I'm always in favour of.


Nothing will change, those that don't want to donate will now simply speak up rather than keep quiet and those that are too lazy to care what happens to their corpse when dead will be used for good.


Lives will be saved and as far as I can see nobody has given up a single freedom.


Plenty of folks will disagree with me and there are going to be plenty of questionable situations that need thought....

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So what you're actually trying to say, in a long winded way, is that you are all for organ donation as long as it doesn't help a Muslim, Indian, Paki or other similar brown person. Haha.

There's plenty of white muslim converts mate, no doubt some will need transplants at some stage. But its not just that, as Wilf says they could do a lot more to improve health in general, clean the place up, agree to a sugar tax, ban f***ing tobacco, close all the Mc Donalds...ect, stop people carrying genetic faults breeding, or limit them to one child...........but no mate, their answer is to guilt trip everyone into allowing their organs to be used for spare parts to prop up their failings............Just state control.

You must be a wild man Truther! I can appreciate your non conformist view and it actually makes sense to me. I will probably be unjustly accused of racism again just as you have on this thread but I agree I would donate IF I had a say where my organs go. It is easy to say how could you not donate to this poor child, and I would donate to an innocent child but what if my organs went to some wealthy paedophile or worse a politician lol. The poor and the downtrodden will only benefit after the well to do take what they want and it does put us one step closer to becoming an 'organ farm' to be harvested at the leisure of those in power. Maybe that is negative and paranoid but if you look through history or at the worst of the present, humans are capable of some sick sh!t. Haha I salute your different view Truther and I laugh at people who would think I would want someone else's organs with my point of view. I would stick those organs up their rectums before being held to ransom or emotionally blackmailed with this crap.
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As an adult, you have a choice and that's fine but I don't think anyone has thought this through properly........I don't know if there is a minimum age that they will harvest organs from and if there isn't, then I also don't know if this blanket "right to harvest" has a minimum age limit.


Who in the hell is going to think about opting out their 10 or 12 year old?.......and who the hell is going to want their eyeballs, heart, lungs, kidneys chopped out in the terrible event of their death?


God forbid, I wouldn't want some doctor chopping my baby into bits after they died.....that would destroy a person even more.


Same as if they needed a transplant, you could only pray they may get one.....but taking the above into consideration you have no right to EXPECT one.

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