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Terrier For Dogging In?

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Hi all! I am a bit of a rare sight, im a keeper and I have no dog!


My current situation doesnt allow me to keep a larger dog and I can only just get away with a terrier. I keeper a small shoot and I could really do with a dog for dogging in/basic beating. I was thinking parson russel? Any tips or advice would be nice, im only a young and the job fell in my lap before i was ready really! :)


Cheers all


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Ur never too young or old to learn the job fell on Ur lap for a reason so give Ur self a shake and get on with it unless you don't want the job and u need the bushing section some springer spaniels are quite small these days I would go for one of them all the best with the job and dogging

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I know at least 2 lads who have had plummers that would and did work as good as a spaniel on a shoot day,they all were used by part time keepers to dog in,as peg dogs, as picking up dogs and all these dogs would stay till dug when earth work was called for.Don't recon there'd be many type of terriers that would or could do the same jobs these did :thumbs: ...

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In the bushing section there's a few pics of Beagle x terriers and Spaniel x terriers that would do the job, I take my terrier beating there area few pitfalls to this as it's fast through cover and does peg a few birds, also takes off after the odd deer when they show, can hear him yapping fields away but apart from that training to retrieve to hand and live if possible do take a lot of work, if they get excited they deliver a bag of feathers which upsets my keeper. Good luck in your job fella.

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It's very possible, I use my Fell bitch for beating and also retrieving. It takes a bit of training, but so would a gun dog. The only difficulty I have found is the lack of natural soft mouth on a terrier, were 14 months down the line and i can't get her to let up on the death grip!!

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I think you would be better off with a dog to do a job that has been bred for hundreds of years to do why mess about with a terrier that to be honest I don't think would never do the job the lad wants the dog to do half so good as a half tidy spaniel

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I agree Bo, of all the unusual questions on here lately it's the most unusual.

I too find it hard to believe that a keeper has little room for dogs and I also find it unusual that a keeper's asking a question on working dogs.

Most keepers use dogs for the job they were bred for and anything game related is usually best done with a gun dog.

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I get the impression the lad isn't a professional keeper, just a part timer..... correct me if I'm wrong.


Anyway, yes a terrier will dog in if brought on right and of the sensible biddable type. But why do you think you would be better off with one of them over a small cocker?


Only yesterday I was invited on a boundary day and asked to bring my terrier that I beat with and shoot over among other jobs. She's useful and stood next to a small lemon cocker, no significant size difference.............. but for a keepers dog the spaniel is born and bred....



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