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Had a call yesterday from a business that have been under attack from crows!!


It all started last March when new glass was fitted that produces a mirror effect, that has encouraged crows to peck constantly at the windows, the patio doors and other areas.


This is not anything that I have dealt with before and in fact they live to far away from me so have declined to offer help.


So if you had this type of call what would you do? ie shoot some, Larsen? can that be used this time of year or anything else. Had thought about bird gel, but would not work around the patio doors as would be at ground level



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I usually get this type of call a couple of times a year but in spring when they are getting ready to nest as it's teritorial.

Had a pair pull all the wiper blades off the police cars in there M1 compound a few years ago !

Have dealt with it by larsen and discreet shooting in the past, you don't have to wait long before they show up, especially if you call them in.

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You could try sticking the bird of prey silhouettes like you use on windows to keep small birds from flying into them, Could you use the fire gel products to dissuade the crows from settling on the cills. May be on iffy ground to trap or shoot - check the general licence conditions. You may be able to alter the mirror effect on the window by having a light close to the window on the inside.

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  • 1 month later...

had this problem on a couple of farms, i go up couple of times a year shoot about 40 or 50 ,they stop for a while and then start all over again,they keep peckin all the putty round the windows, poor farmer keeps getting it replaced so ongoing problem

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