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-== Sir Storms Progress ==-

Guest world.hunters

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Guest world.hunters

photos dont prove everything but alot of lads like my self dont put them up to prove owt either its purely just to share the photos with others and to enjoy looking at them.


anyone could stick there dog in a photo with 30 rabbits, i have been out with a few lads and they have seen my dog work so although i dont need to put photos up to prove anything its always nice to look back at them.


i just didnt see the point what so ever in the comments that Damashaman made.



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moxy youve got to remeber they guys whove hunted all sorts for money sport pest control feed there familes who dont post pics are they less dog men cause of a merle dog catching afew rabbs , i know its nice to see pics and ive a galery that goes back long before some were born but, well why would you share with strangers who havent walked the walk unles you get to know them more personaly ie take them out hunting visit them and go out with them all the best

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in between edinburgh and berwickshire get your dog up get the train ill pick you up at the berwick upon tweed staiton weel get some game and ill prepare it, you can take some home to your family ,,ille maybe let you take a pic or two ,storm willl go home tired and happy ,yull get an educaiotion thta no internet will show you on game sense on all sorts of qaurry

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ye i got it ,as i says before ill take youse out for a hunt ,ill organise some were for youse to lodge and weel get you some fresh meat etc , there a few local b and b . or you can drive up ill take youse out weel have a beer a feed and weel hunt tilll the small hours and youll get plenty sport up to youse or your self,

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I am Irish but live just across the water there. They won't let me put my pics up fella! If your a young lad world hunter, then fair play to you. If there were more young lads and lassies like you about, being interested in such a healthy interest, the country would be in a better state I think, instead of the now too common weed junkie numbscull culture, chav bastrds. This firkin government needs to get it's priorities in order, the twts them!



I agree with you TOMMO by the way.

Edited by damashaman
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whin how's the deer situation like thro you'r way the now. haven't been thro all season. i gather most of the feilds would be ploughed by now. i will get some early morning's in the next few weeks once the velvet is of the bucks.

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not to bad but serously its finished for me apart from takeing the odd walk every things breeding and ive only one young dog to run the good ones are ripped with wire and well the time i get them fit its finished plus to many people kicking about now, but well thats about it ,plus more wildlife liason officers saw two last nite in police four wheel drive vehicles if you dont no the lie of the land tread carefully

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wh is my son


he didnt breed that dog but he did train it and has spent alot of time and effort with this dog. more than some so-called lurcher men.


hes so dedicated, that at 19 years old he wanted to move to a new place to pursue his interests and gain new experiences. hes never claimed to be the greatest huntsman, he doesnt big himself up and he has no need to beg for pats on the bag. hes rightly proud of his dog, his FIRST dog, and what they have achieved so far and im sure he'd be the first to admit that theres a whole lot more to achieve as storm matures and wh learns more.


he doesnt smoke, hes not a 'big' drinker, he doesnt court trouble, he just gets on with it.


when i come on this forum the first thing i look at is for new posts here, now hes 120 odd miles from home i dont see him too often, but it gives me and his mother satisfaction to jump on and see the latest pics and hear about storms and wh progress. as the lad says why start multiple posts about the dog when he can keep it all in one thread.


if u have a problem with this post contact an admin, dont have a go at my kid, you have the choice not too read or comment


keep up the good work our kid we're proud of you




id like to thank those of you who have shown wh support, anno hes met some good guys off here. its much appreciated and comforting to know that others look out for my lad

Edited by fluke
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not to bad but serously its finished for me apart from takeing the odd walk every things breeding and ive only one young dog to run the good ones are ripped with wire and well the time i get them fit its finished plus to many people kicking about now, but well thats about it ,plus more wildlife liason officers saw two last nite in police four wheel drive vehicles if you dont no the lie of the land tread carefully
a few of my mates have been cought a few times way them. but had nothing on them. they just tell them to get to f**k and don't come back. there still going it's just the chance you take.
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