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Dog Walker Killed My Sheep

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Saturday morning a woman walking her dog of lead by some land I have two sheep and 4 pigs on her dog got in and attacked both of my sheep one was half dead and had to be pts other one has a rip in its side a rip in ear but seems ok, the woman got her dog an just ran of, there's about ten houses at the side of land she not been to any ones door or reported it to the police, she just left the sheep to die. The house at side of land has cctv on which you can see parts of my land on you see the dog running up to sheep pen then 3 or so mins later you see the woman looking over fence see her dog an sets of running. Do I go to police or try find her an ask her to pay for what her dog as done to my sheep. How many time have lurches lads been blamed for killing sheep when its dog walker with there pets.

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That's got to be the winner of stupidest post of the day.Most dogs that haven't been stockbroken will chase or kill sheep it's a natural thing for a dog to do it doesn't mean they're all going to star

F*ckin hell this place is classic isn't it.   Few obvious things   - not every dog that kills a sheep / cat / bites another dog etc is a potential child killer, you've been reading too much of the

Exactly. Fed up reading on here the same shit...."kill ma dog and I'll kill all your livestock, or I'll burn your farm down!!" Just train your dogs correctly and it won't happen.....and if it does yo

  On 02/11/2015 at 13:06, tank34 said:

Saturday morning a woman walking her dog of lead by some land I have two sheep and 4 pigs on her dog got in and attacked both of my sheep one was half dead and had to be pts other one has a rip in its side a rip in ear but seems ok, the woman got her dog an just ran of, there's about ten houses at the side of land she not been to any ones door or reported it to the police, she just left the sheep to die. The house at side of land has cctv on which you can see parts of my land on you see the dog running up to sheep pen then 3 or so mins later you see the woman looking over fence see her dog an sets of running. Do I go to police or try find her an ask her to pay for what her dog as done to my sheep. How many time have lurches lads been blamed for killing sheep when its dog walker with there pets.

I would go to the police as it a offence ie livestock worrying /killing .

loads of times i bet lurcher owners have been blamed.

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I would try to find her and say you have cctv evidence it was her dog that killed your sheep. Tell her if she does not pay you will go to the police. It might be worth telling her that if she does it again, the dog may receive a rapid lead injection.

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i would try to deal with it your self mate ive tried to use the police in this situation before and i found them to be anything but helpfull best to try and ask around locals if they recognise a discription of the woman and find out were she lives and go from there sorry to hear about your sheep its sickening when it happens.

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An interesting split of opinions here. I have sheep and find some town/village dog walkers incomprehensively stupid. The last lot I encountered with a dog running through a field miles behind their other dogs stood next to an EA sign saying dogs must be kept on a lead and told me that because our sheep are fenced in, it is fine for her dogs to run around the empty neighbouring fields. I was barely able to respond politely.


I would not want to harm any dog due to the incompetence of an owner, but I see nothing wrong with suggesting it would be shot it if necessary. Personally I'd not bother with the Police yet, unless you find out they've have done this before or they are likley to do it again (difficult to find this out I know!).


I hope you get it sorted whatever you do.

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I think in that situation a lot of people would scarper in a panic. I also think they might then avoid finding the owner and settling up for fear of conflict, prosecution and to protect their dog, but actually be more than willing to pay your costs.

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Get a photo of the woman and dog off the CCTV footage and get the video itself, stick it on Facebook and you will more than likely find her as it's probably someone local. As you said it's nearly always dog walkers and not hunting lads that end up killing sheep. Killing the sheep is bad enough, but doing a runner is beyond comprehension especially as she probably knew the dog wasn't stock broken before running it lose. Funnily enough it's usually a woman owner to!!!

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  On 02/11/2015 at 16:04, Ideation said:

Funnily enough it's usually a woman owner to!!!

Yeah, one of those crazy "fur baby's mommy" types who forget their surrogate child has pointy teeth and strong jaws for the purpose of killing other animals..

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If she was going to be honest she would put note up,asked around ,gone to police etc,she didn't therefore assume she's hoping she gets away with it,plaster it on facebook,and also ask or put notice up in local feed places,pet shops etc asking for her to come forward.check out other local dog places as as said she won't go there for awhile,hopefully someone who doesn't like her will grass her up.why should you be out of pocket of vets bill and loss of stock.

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