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Hard Mouth On A Dog.

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Live to hand is a nice touch and for some folk it's essential and i've been fortunate to own very good dogs that do this.ee

Me, i'm far more interested in the catch and as long as the dog don't feck off the other way with it, then that'll do!

On some spots an immaculate live to hand retrieve can cost you a bigger bag. ;)


But it is not just the catch though is it? It's the whole experience the hunt, the catch and the retrieve are all part and parcel of the dogs work.



Err.. Yerr... You get a dog that catches feck all and live to hand don't mean shit!

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Live to hand is a nice touch and for some folk it's essential and i've been fortunate to own very good dogs that do this.ee

Me, i'm far more interested in the catch and as long as the dog don't feck off the other way with it, then that'll do!

On some spots an immaculate live to hand retrieve can cost you a bigger bag. ;)

But it is not just the catch though is it? It's the whole experience the hunt, the catch and the retrieve are all part and parcel of the dogs work.



Err.. Yerr... You get a dog that catches feck all and live to hand don't mean shit!

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My dogs will do everything and retrieve rabbits live to hand ... I have to have dogs that retrieve live to hand as when you are working in people's gardens and in public areas the majority of people want to see mr rabbit fetched back to you unharmed so that it can be dispatched humanely rather than the big nasty dog killing it .......

It's nice to see that some people maintaining high standards. Personally I like to have the option to use the rabbit for the table rather than a poorly trained dog who will bruise the catch or even worse not retrieve it to hand. It beggars believe that people are willing to accept anything less than their lurcher retrieving live to hand and it is no wonder why gun dog people regard us lurchermen with such low esteem.


I don't think poor retrieving or hard mouth is why lurchermen are held in low esteem.

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Some people are just to good to be owning lurchers

Your wrong there, some people have higher standards for their dogs, and learn how to achieve those standards. Others are just happy if their dog catches. Up to the individual.



Edited by tiercel
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Some people are just to good to be owning lurchers


Your wrong there, some people have higher standards for their dogs, and learn how to achieve those standards. Others are just happy if their dog catches. Up to the individual.



suppose I did put that wrong think most dogs learn as they go just basics does me
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Some people are just to good to be owning lurchers

Your wrong there, some people have higher standards for their dogs, and learn how to achieve those standards. Others are just happy if their dog catches. Up to the individual.



suppose I did put that wrong think most dogs learn as they go just basics does me


Nothing wrong with that at all. But why decry the people who work to get more out of their dogs?



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"Some people just have higher standards for their dogs"


"Seems a lot of lurcher men are happy with poorly trained dogs"


We're talking about a bruised bunny ffs, I'd love to see some of you lads dogs, they must be incredible and flawless if you consider it bringing back bruised or dead bunnies as a mark of a poorly trained dog owned by a man with low standards!

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Mine is very rough around the edges but I am constantly on him and refuse to let him run wild when we out. I don't mind him working ahead and his getting steady. But if he starts galloping about a bit wild I stick him on a lead and get a handle on him.

Again this grabbing netted rabbits thats a personal preference I did toy with the idea I of having him not touch them but to be honest I love knowing that he will nab the netted rabbit and I can stand back instead of having to plough in the black thorn lol. He will get there a lot quicker than me. He was initially a bit heavy with them but as he gets more experience he is being much lighter about it.

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