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Training Young Ferrets To Hunt.

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Hello pal handling your ferret for only 5 mins a day is in my opinion bad advise when mine were young I would handle them for at least an hour a day picking them up and putting them down getting them use to my feet moving about then picking them up again and also I give them a bit of food out of my fingers as for training them with mine iv just had some pipes in there cage which they run through when their playing but i think its in a ferrets instinct to go down a hole. If you use locators or not its entirely up to you I personally use them but what iv learnt over the years is everybody has there own way of doing things and its all about which way you prefer. Atb with your ferret pal.

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5 mins a day is a smidge too little so she will bite and nip still but the more you handle the sooner it will stop. It was hammering it down today so I got all my little monsters in the house with me running round........ Then franticly ran round with air freshener to hide there pong befor the mrs got home and made me sleep in the garden hahaha and all of mine are good as gold.

The only thing I realy trained mine for was collars. If you have ever tryed to get a collar on a unwilling and understandably cross stinker youl understand the need to get them used to it.

Everything else is down to instinct.

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I send all my kits I'm keeping away once I've selected them , providing there siver, black eyed white , part angora or micro , first there sent to the working ferret association aka vin for the once over , then from there, there shipped off for full training including ring skills , at the rakeaboot ferret school and training centre , by the time I get them back there ready to go ,

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A big part of it is having a dog to mark then you know there is some thing at home they will naturally get stuck in as long as its not too difficult.

This little jill is about 7 - 8 months first trip out dog marked little 3 holer she went straight to it and came out behind it. She has done the same a few times now and is great to handle.




I think you get problems when you start putting them in empty holes and they get the chance to mess about a bit. But if you don't have a dog you got to start some where.

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